Forestay Topping Lift Painter Mast Boom Tiller Shroud Tabernacle Centerboard Starboard Port Boomvang Winch
Head Batten Leach Clew Foot Tack Luff Telltale Bow (forward) Stern (aft) MainsailJib
Sailing Adjustments Jib –Halyard –Traveler –Jib sheets Mainsail –Halyard –Cunningham (downhaul) –Outhaul –Boom-vang –Main sheets –Traveler (not avail. on Scot’s) Centerboard (guidelines only) –All the way down –Half-way up –Up, but not ALL the way! (Why ?) Rudder –Initiates course changes –Allows tacking to occur –Luff (also raises the sail) –Foot (High=>aft, Low=>forward) –Leach, slot effect, point of sail, tacking, back-winding, etc. –Luff (also raises the sail) –Sail draft (& Luff when sails age) –Foot –Leach and sail twist –Point of sail, tacking (with rudder) –Mainsail power ‘governor’ –Close hauled to beam reach –Broad reach … or so –Running CAUTION when rounding the leeward mark to windward! => Capsize drill –A balanced boat has ‘neutral’ helm –Enables boat momentum to complete tacking process
Sailing Phrases WindwardSide toward the wind (defines tack) LeewardSide away from wind StallingPoint of sail to ‘low’ (or ‘off’) to wind Head upSteer more toward the wind EaseLoosen or let out PinchingPoint of sail to ‘high’ (or ‘on’)to wind Fall offSteer more away from the wind TrimTighten or pull in Free that …Un-cleat, untie, undo, de-tangle, etc. Secure that …Tie down, stop it moving Stow that …Get it out of the way Back-wind the …Enable wind to push on the ‘back’ of sail Fend offKeep boat from hitting another object; boat, buoy, dock, piling, pier, bridge, etc. Usually by using an oar, boat hook, fender cushion, or hand, etc. NOTE: NEVER, EVER put ANY part of your body between the BOAT and the OBJECT’s point-of-contact when you are fending off! Period. i.e. NEVER sit on the bow and use you legs to stop the boat at the dock.
Right-of Way Summary Starboard tack over port tack Leeward boat over windward boat Boat being overtaken (passed) over the passing boat Last and certainly LEAST –Boats under sail over boats under power – NOTE: sailboats under power are considered power boats! Exceptions – boats without maneuverability to comply with right-of-way guidelines
Required Equipment Lifejacket per person Throw-able floatation (seat cushion) Horn or Whistle Flares Fire Extinguisher (motor only) (Visual) (Audio) (Others Afloat) (Me Afloat)
It is club policy that all persons wear life vests!! Feel free to bring your own if you find the standard type uncomfortable.
Tacking Sequence Helmsman Command –“Ready About” –“Helm to Lee” –Adjust tiller for point of sail 90 deg. course change Crew Response –“Ready” Free jib sheet (but still hold fast) –Release jib sheet when head to wind –Sit to windward –Trim sheet after bow passes through the wind
Jibe Sequence Helmsman Command –“Prepare to jibe” –“Jibe Ho” –Adjust tiller for point of sail deg. course change Crew Response –“Ready” Free jib sheet (but still hold fast) –Release jib sheet as boom swings over –Shift weight as needed –Trim opposite sheet after through the wind
Wind 2 Boat Lengths Help!!! Man Overboard Sailing Downwind 1. Head up to a beam reach 2. Tack 3. Head downwind of person in the water Yell “Man Overboard” Throw PFD Assign someone to watch person and point
Wind 2 Boat Lengths Help!!! Man Overboard Sailing to Windward 2. Tack 1. Fall-off to a beam reach 3. Head downwind of person in the water Yell “Man Overboard” Throw PFD Assign someone to watch person and point