Sean Valentine Block 1 Sean Valentine Block 1 Time is running, out! COME ON UP!!!!!!
Where are the Tundra? The Tundra is mostly located in at the top of Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and parts of China. It is amazingly cold there so if you think you can handle it come on up with a coat and lots of pairs of glozes. The Tundra is amazing because it stretches all the way across all those country’s. It is a beautiful site there is huge mountains that you can look at but don’t forget your coat. On those mountains it drops to around 20 degrees below 0. So I hope to see you there.
Landforms in the Tundra In the tundra there are a lot of mountain’s ranges in the tundra also there are a lot of hills and lot’s of blank land. On that land you may go camping but you have to bring a big blanket. Maybe even an air mattress. Also bring a sled because there is a lot of snow perfect places to go sledding. Bring the children.
The animals found in the Tundra There are many animals in the tundra some of them are the arctic fox, the grey wolf, the musk ox, the caribou, and the polar bear. I will be showing you 3 of them. They are the arctic fox, the grey wolf, and the polar bear.,
The arctic fox This fox is a carnivore that lives in the continents of Europe, Asia, and North America. The Arctic fox’s full grown size is from em. long. The arctic fox is 1 of the animals that live in the tundra and eat birds, lemmings, marine, life, and other animals that have been attacked and injured. Every May or June the Arctic fox has 4-11 puppies.
The grey wolf The grey wolf is a another canine but it lives in eastern Europe, east India, Russia, Canada also the top of The United States. This wolf’s full size is cm long since there body size is larger than normal they hunt things about their size and larger. They have a litter size of 3-8 puppies in May or June.
The polar bear The polar bear is a well- known mammal that mostly lives in cold places such Antarctica. They are very large so if you do come across one you will need to roll into a ball. The average food in a day is about 90 pounds of food. They can smell their food from almost 20 miles away.
Plants found in the Tundra There are very few plants in the tundra, but there are some. Such as the cotton grass, the sedge, cushion, and lichen. Cotton grass is something like dandelions where you can blow all the leafs off. So make a wish. lichen is like moss and it grows on rocks and makes the rock look colorful. But also up close it looks very gross. Cushion plants are lots of the plants in tundra. They are the ones that grow in clumps of flowers. So they looks beautiful.
Climate January -25F February -25F March -10F May -25F April -20F June -5F July 0F August 5F September -5F October -10F November -20F December -25F January 40 February 40 May 50 April 70 March 120 June 150 July 200 August 200 September 150 October 150 November 70 December 50
Tundra questions 1.Does anybody live in the tundra? A.Yes there are some people that live in some areas of the tundra 2. How cold can it get? A. It can get to about -50 degrees
Water in the Tundra In the tundra there are a few lakes, streams, rivers, and an ocean. Also there is a lot of snow cap mountains.
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