Diocesan Education Alliance Plays a greater role in training new entrants to the profession Engage in research and development Designate and broker lead teachers Provide support for other schools Identify and develop leadership potential Leadership and Governance development Lead peer to peer professional development
Plays a greater role in training new entrants to the profession Links with 6 th Form students to encourage them to enter the profession Links with parishes to recruit for the PCP SCITT or other PGCE pathways Links with PCP SCITT and St. Mary’s Recruitment to NQT posts NQT Training Links with 6 th Form students to encourage them to enter the profession Links with parishes to recruit for the PCP SCITT or other PGCE pathways Links with PCP SCITT and St. Mary’s Recruitment to NQT posts NQT Training
Lead peer to peer professional development CPD for R.E. and worship Signpost CPD from LAs, Teaching Schools, other organisations and schools within the Alliance Signpost to CPD for Support Staff Plan CPD for new initiatives Support for Self Evaluation Peer to peer quality assurance e.g. joint monitoring activities CPD for R.E. and worship Signpost CPD from LAs, Teaching Schools, other organisations and schools within the Alliance Signpost to CPD for Support Staff Plan CPD for new initiatives Support for Self Evaluation Peer to peer quality assurance e.g. joint monitoring activities
Leadership and Governance development Diocesan governor training Signpost training from other LAs and organisations Diocesan Training for new Headteachers Signpost to LA and other organisations training for new Headteachers Signpost to CPD opportunities for serving Headteachers Signpost to sabbatical opportunities for serving Headteachers Promote applications for LLEs, NLEs, NLGs Signpost to training for Executive Headship Diocesan governor training Signpost training from other LAs and organisations Diocesan Training for new Headteachers Signpost to LA and other organisations training for new Headteachers Signpost to CPD opportunities for serving Headteachers Signpost to sabbatical opportunities for serving Headteachers Promote applications for LLEs, NLEs, NLGs Signpost to training for Executive Headship
Identify and develop leadership potential Audit to identify potential leaders CPD opportunities for: Middle Leaders, Aspiring Deputies, Deputy Headteachers and Aspiring Headteachers Identify and develop Business Managers Secondment and exchange opportunities for staff Audit to identify potential leaders CPD opportunities for: Middle Leaders, Aspiring Deputies, Deputy Headteachers and Aspiring Headteachers Identify and develop Business Managers Secondment and exchange opportunities for staff
Provide support for other schools Broker support for schools in need Set up Strategic Improvement Group for any Academies with an OFSTED grade of 3 or lower or who are causing concern to the Diocese Participate in Strategic Improvement Group for any Voluntary Aided schools with an OFSTED grade of 3 or lower or who are causing concern to a LA or the Diocese Appoint Mentors for new Headteachers Support for Academy conversion Broker support for schools in need Set up Strategic Improvement Group for any Academies with an OFSTED grade of 3 or lower or who are causing concern to the Diocese Participate in Strategic Improvement Group for any Voluntary Aided schools with an OFSTED grade of 3 or lower or who are causing concern to a LA or the Diocese Appoint Mentors for new Headteachers Support for Academy conversion
Designate and broker Lead Teachers Recruit, designate and deploy Lead teachers: - 5 English (Primary and 1 Secondary) - 5 Maths (4 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 2 Science (1 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 3 R.E. (2 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 3 SEN (2 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 2 Early Years Recruit, designate and deploy Lead teachers: - 5 English (Primary and 1 Secondary) - 5 Maths (4 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 2 Science (1 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 3 R.E. (2 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 3 SEN (2 Primary and 1 Secondary) - 2 Early Years
Engage in research and development Identify and bid for Educational Endowment Fund projects Develop policies Investigate effective Teaching and Learning Strategies Identify and bid for Educational Endowment Fund projects Develop policies Investigate effective Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching Schools Teaching Schools can apply for Grants from the National College Teaching Schools can designate and appoint Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE) Teaching Schools can have access to data usually given to LAs about schools A Teaching School would provide funding to facilitate the Alliance A Teaching School would enable the Alliance to deliver courses on behalf of licensees. At the moment St. Joseph’s Aldershot have applied for Teaching School status The more Teaching Schools we have, the more funding streams and new initiatives we would have access to
Schools DeptAlliance Executive StrandLead School Teaching Schools Group Composition Link Existing work Chair – Rosemary Olivier + Lead Headteacher from each Strand + Core Group/Alliance Facilitator + Headteacher of any Teaching School in the Diocese New entrants to the profession Change every two years Cross section of schools Peer to peer professional development Change every two years Cross section of schools Leadership and Governance Change every two years Cross section of schools Potential LeadersChange every two years Cross section of schools Support for schoolsSchools Dept Appoint and broker Lead Teachers Change every two years Cross section of schools Research and development Change every two years Cross section of schools
FAQ What are the benefits? How does it fit with the SLA? What will the commitment be for the school? What will the relationship be between the DEA and the Independent schools?
FAQ What are the benefits? How does it fit with the SLA? What will the commitment be for the school? What will the relationship be between the DEA and the Independent schools?
Greatest benefit is being part of an alliance that is owned by all our schools, and consequently will have that distinctive Catholic element woven throughout all its work. Extending range of opportunities for CPD and sharing of expertise. Providing CPD and induction support tailored to the needs of Catholic schools. Acting as a cushion for those schools needing support – expectation that they will in turn offer support to others. Support from schools that understand our distinctive ethos. Ensuring no school is left vulnerable by the limited provision on offer from their LA. Strengthening and extending links between a school’s current diocesan partnerships and developing new ones. Developing future leaders for our Catholic schools. Providing opportunities for our current/prospective middle leaders to gain experience in other schools.
FAQ What are the benefits? How does it fit with the SLA? What will the commitment be for the school? What will the relationship be between the DEA and the Independent schools?
DEA SLA RE Managers/ Heads of RE Support New Heads Support NQT Training and Support CPD for RE & Worship Support for Self- Evaluation Diocesan Governor Training Advice and Support for heads and governors Admissions Pastoral Support Governance Catholic School Provision RE Advice and Support Pre and Post Validation Support Support for Schools in Difficulty Representation statutory committees/ working with partners/CESEW etc. Chaplaincy Support Recruitment Attendance at Senior Appmts Diocesan Partnership with HT groups Links with 6 th Form Recruitment to Scitt/PGCE Pathways Recruitment to NQT Posts Signpost CPD for teaching and support staff Develop CPD for new initiatives Peer to peer quality assurance Signpost leadership & governance training Signpost CPD for serving headteachers Signpost sabbatical opps Promote applications for NLEs, LLEs Signpost training for exec. headship Audit potential leaders CPD for middle leaders, deputies etc. Develop Business Managers Secondment & exchange opps Designate and broker lead teachers Engage in research and development
FAQ What are the benefits? How does it fit with the SLA? What will the commitment be for the school? What will the relationship be between the DEA and the Independent schools?
FAQ What are the benefits? How does it fit with the SLA? What will the commitment be for the school? What will the relationship be between the Diocesan Education Alliance and the Independent schools?
Questions Is there anything else that needs to be added to the DEA outline? What three positive things could the DEA give to your school? What would be your main concern about the DEA?