ACADEMY CONVERSION. Bishop Malcolm Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service Chairs of Governors Head Teachers Blessed Robert Widmerpool The.


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Presentation transcript:


Bishop Malcolm Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service Chairs of Governors Head Teachers Blessed Robert Widmerpool The Becket School St Edmund Campion St Edwards Possibly St Patricks Parent Governors Foundation Directors

Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service A Company Limited by Guarantee Consists of “Foundation Directors” and “Trust Directors” Directors have a balance of educational and business skills Is able to sponsor “200 List” and “300 List” schools, targeted by the DfE for “Transformation” Currently have 3 schools in the Diocese on these lists Intervention has already begun to support them Work is based on DES and on 1 st April 2012, all employees will be TUPEd to the new company.

South Nottingham Catholic Academy Trust A Company Limited by Guarantee All Head Teachers and Chairs of Governors of the Local Governing Bodies Up to 4 Parent directors selected from amongst the parent governors of the trust schools Has 3 Foundation Directors appointed by the Bishop, one of whom is the Dean of the deanery the schools serve Includes our partner school head as an “active” observer

Each School submits a “School’s Report” to the Exec. Committee Has responsibility for the collaborative action of the schools in the Trust Has legal responsibility for employment issues and finance, with these delegated to agreed levels Standard Agenda items relating to the schools: Standards and Target Setting Attendance and Exclusion Admission Policies Financial Statement of the Trust and Schools South Nottingham Catholic Academy Trust

The Becket Family of Schools – Secondary – The Becket School – Primary St. Edmund Campion Blessed Robert Widmerpool Our Lady and St. Edwards St. Patrick’s These schools cross Nottingham City and County boundaries. One Primary has not yet Decided to joining the Trust but remains part of the family of schools. One Primary is shared with another Secondary School, with which it will convert, while remaining part of both families. We became a Multi Academy Trust on 1 st September A partnership of equals.

Relationships Each school receives its individual G.A.G. Allocated by DfE dependent on pupil numbers, currently at LACSEG. Each school retains individual Local Governing Body, with conversion “as is” and delegated powers Each school retains its own individual identity, whilst working in close partnership with the other members of the Academy Trust.

Starting Off Early conversations important; there is still a lot of “misinformation”. We are discussing “Conversion” and not “Transformation”. Be clear over the benefits and issues, including the capacity of the school Share information about the process with partner schools and give reassurances and support where needed

Why Consider Academy Status? Estimate £330K difference in funding for Secondary School (c.9%+ of budget) Estimate £120K difference in funding for 1 form entry primary school ‘Cushion’ from staff reduction Funded at LACSEG Grants paid directly; not “top sliced” Insurance paid Financial and academic years aligned SEN funds allocated, potentially Freedom from National Curriculum Opportunity to source provision The Educational landscape is changing; staying the same is not an option. Control of one’s own destiny

Potential Concerns TUPE: transfer of undertakings (protection of employment) Pay and Conditions of new staff Pensions Curriculum freedoms and staffing Admissions Changes to the school day and to school terms Governance Loss of funding to L.A. and other schools Academies not recognising professional associations Loss of support and advice from the LA; capacity of the school

Distinctive Issues Relating to a Catholic School Land Transfer and Ownership. – Problems with shared campuses and leasing arrangements – Transfers from multi-occupancy sites Guarantee of rights and responsibilities under 1944 Act Trusteeship and Governance Curricular freedoms Effect of Academy Status on the Common Good

Addressing the concerns Explicit aims within the TUPE process (not to worsen terms and conditions unless there is an ‘economic, technical or organisational reason) Explicit ‘no change’ within Funding Agreement; application with “no measures” meaning that staff pay and conditions are protected Intend to develop rather than diminish the Curriculum Bound by School Admissions Code and SEN Code Unaffordable to change school day or term because of availability of staff for work 39 weeks, 1265 hours Governance will remain largely unchanged Pupil Premium will be aimed at supporting schools in poorer areas Full recognition of professional associations L.A. Capacity and Structure are changing anyway: what support there is can still be obtained

The Catholic School One Diocesan Academy Trust for all schools “Cluster” model to incorporate both primary and secondary schools and strengthen relationships Explicit parameters over “no measures”, collaboration and policy Distinctive identity, including admissions, secure Legal issues now resolved The Diocese would retain the collectivism previously supported through the L.A.

The Process Register an Interest with the DfE; no commitment at this stage. Governors resolve to pursue Academy Status. Consult. Governors resolve to apply for an Academy Order. Consider issues raised in consultation. Upon receipt of the Order, instruct legal representatives. Determine signatories, not to include the final Funding Agreement.

The Process Determine finance system, bank and accountants (if MAT, better together). Compile list of assets and contracts. Approve draft Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Memorandum of Understanding. If MAT, resolve membership of Executive Committee. Governors meet to approve final Funding Agreement in the month before conversion. If resolved, also resolve to appoint accountants. Also hold inaugural meeting of the Executive Committee. Academy order to conversion: 3 months

Working Together Important that the family of schools remains intact Explore creatively the opportunities which M.A.T. conversion may bring Always present conversion as a M.A.T. not as individuals Share consultation process, at least to ensure a common approach

Issues Land complexities School capacity Finance system Relationship with L.A. “Moving goalposts” Clarity over delegation

Moving Forward Establish relationship between Executive Committee and Local Governing Bodies; Scheme of Delegation crucial. Establish processes for schools to contribute to costs, while enabling schools to retain control over full G.A.G. Shared appointments between schools or across the M.A.T. Shared learning activity and support

Moving Forward Opportunity to share or support HR and Finance Common banking and finance systems Office Managers/ Business Leaders collaborate for effectiveness and efficiency across the M.A.T. Consistent and Co-ordinated Outreach work to mutual benefit Development of improved and co-ordinated spiritual, personal and academic support for the young person from age 3 to age 18.

Problems Faced and Solved Within Primary Schools the limitations in personnel meant that the bulk of the administration fell to Head Teacher and Office Manager. A positive outcome was a strengthening of relations between all schools. A time consuming process – don’t convert over a holiday! (or at least make sure that governors are available) Budgetary and legal processes were out of the comfort zone for some schools; trustworthy advice was vital from legal and finance professionals

Any Questions? Thank you for listening Tony Glover - Head Teacher The Becket School: A Catholic Voluntary Academy Karen Rich - P.A. to the Head Teacher; Leader of Partnership Working Daniel Moore – School Business Leader