DYSL Goalkeeper Course Victor Bañuelos DYSL Goalkeeper Coach April 5, 2014
Topics Goalkeeper Psychology Goalkeeper Ready Stance and Positioning Below Elbow Saves Chest Height Saves High Ball Saves and Crosses Falling Diving
Topics (Cont.) I v. Goalkeeper Saves Close Down Sliding Save Footwork Ball Distribution Throws Kicks
Goalkeeper Psychology A goalkeeper’s mental strength will be tested because they will have to bounce back from embarrassing errors It’s crucial that mistakes are not perceived as failure, but as lessons on what to do differently next time The GK’s mindset must be that talent comes through effort Concentration is key as there may be games in which there is minimal GK involvement for long periods of time Their ability to stay “in the moment” is one of the most overlooked attributes of a successful GK
Goalkeeper Psychology (Cont.) Confidence is crucial (self-talk and self-motivate) Accept applause, but don’t expect it (don’t let it be the reason for your motivation). Must be a motivator: transfer motivation and confidence to your teammates to promote their play and confidence Goalkeeper is last line of defense and can see entire field, because of this GK must have ability to communicate in calm and confident manner to build teammate optimism GK should possess emotional control
Goalkeeper Ready Stance Proper Ready GK Stance: Feet should be shoulder width apart with toes pointed forward Weight on balls of feet off the heals with knees slightly bent forward Upper body leaning slightly forward while balanced Arms out to the side and in front of body line Palms of hands facing ball and maintained at height of elbows
Practicing Goalkeeper Ready Stance
Goalkeeper Positioning Goalkeeper should continually adjust position to ball in order to achieve correct positioning prior to saving a shot GK should always be in line with ball and center of goal For wide shots GK should be positioned slightly closer to near post (near post becomes primary concern when positioning for wide shots) Move up and become part of defense when own team has possession of ball Transition back to goal when opposing team has possession
GK’s positioning for shot-stopping
GK Exercise for Angled Shots
Below Elbow Saves Low ball straight to body and below elbow line Step to ball and place outside foot outside of the ball Bring hands low with palm of hands slightly below the bottom of the ball Pinky finger tips touching each other with elbows slightly close together and forearms parallel to each other Scoop ball into chest and either fall forward or step forward on follow through after securing ball into chest with both hands.
Below Elbow Saves (Cont.) Low ball to side of body and below elbow line Shuffle step out to side of ball with body completely behind the line of the ball Hands should be placed in front of body with forearms parallel to each other and palm of hands slightly below the bottom of the ball Scoop ball into chest and either fall forward or step forward on follow through after securing ball into chest with both hands
Safe hands game with 3 ‘keepers
Chest Height Saves Chest height saves straight to body Step to ball and place either foot outside of ball while maintaining body in line of flight of the ball Bring hands immediately out to meet ball Forefingers and thumbs in diamond formation to create basket behind ball (no “W” hand formation) Use elbows to soften or slow down speed of ball Once ball is secured spin hands behind ball and bring to chest to secure with both hands
Chest Height Saves (Cont.) Chest height saves to side of body Shuffle step out to side of ball and bring hands immediately out to meet ball maintaining body in line of flight of the ball Forefingers and thumbs in diamond formation to create basket behind ball (no “W” hand formation) Hands should be placed out in front of body and use elbows to soften or slow down speed of ball. Once ball is secured spin hands behind ball and bring to chest to secure with both hands
Footwork and Shot Stopping
High Ball Saves Ensure feet are set and follow up with drive step forward while timing jump at highest possible point of interception Leg opposite of opponent pressure should be used to drive up and jump as high as possible Leg closest to direction of opponent pressure should be up form a right angle to body for protection Hands to the ball in a diamond formation ensuring position of hands is slightly underneath and behind ball to form basket Arms fully extended to intercept ball at highest possible point Once ball is caught, it must be brought into chest and secured to avoid mishandling after save
Goalkeeper Technique for Crosses GK must accurately assess the flight of the ball by judging the line, pace and trajectory of the flight of the ball Based on assessment GK must decide to either drive out for the cross and shout “KEEPER!” or stay between the posts and shout “AWAY!” (alerts defenders to head/volley ball clear) If GK decides to drive for ball, GK should move late but quickly to ball; this allows GK to build momentum into their jump for the ball If GK moves too quickly and stands stationary before the catch, progress could be impeded by the momentum of other players Utilizing this technique increases elevation in GK’s jump toward ball
Catching a Ball on a Cross When driving for ball, a 1-footed take-off is preferred; this allows GK the chance to protect themselves with a raised knee GK should catch the ball in front of them in order to recover quickly if ball is dropped If GK attempts to catch ball behind their head, they may lose sight of the ball if it’s dropped Arms should be outstretched to take the ball at its high point but within the GK’s range
Punching a Ball on a Cross If GK decides to punch, they may either use 1-fist or 2-fists to punch the ball away from the goal If GK attacks ball when body is in line with the flight of the ball a 2- fisted punch will achieve greater distance If GK approaches ball across line of flight (i.e. GK cannot get in line with ball), a 1-fisted technique is preferred Crosses from GK’s left should be punched with left fist and crosses from right should be punched with the right Make contact with the bottom half of ball and follow through to achieve height and distance on your punch; this provides defenders sufficient time to recover and move away from goal
GK Starting Position for Crosses
The Crossing Game
Falling Technique Power step forward with foot closest to direction of the ball Hands to ball in a diamond formation Ball should hit the turf first with ground as third hand (hand closer to turf should be behind ball with opposite hand on top of ball pinning ball to turf) Fall with outside of knee landing on turf first, followed by hip and finally side of body and back side of arm while keeping arms extended to ball (ensure keeper avoids using elbow or hand to break fall)
Falling Technique (Cont.) Falling Progression (WITHOUT BALL) Sitting Kneeling Squatting Goalkeeper Ready Stance Position Falling Progression (WITH BALL and low ground serves)
Diving Technique Power step forward with foot closest to direction of the ball Hands to the ball in a diamond formation Drive with power step toward ball Closest leg drive will give distance while opposite leg drive will determine height of dive Ball should hit the turf first with ground as third hand (hand closer to turf should be behind ball with opposite hand on top of ball pinning ball to turf) Ensure GK lands on hips, side of rib cage and back of arm with arm fully extended (Note: novice GKs are prone to landing on their knees and elbows so watch for these errors)
Diving Technique (Cont.) Diving Progression (stationary ball–hold ball waist height 1 ½-2 GK lengths away to side and slightly forward) Sitting Kneeling One knee down one knee up (dive over knee that is up) Squatting Goalkeeper Ready Stance Position Diving Progression (serve ball about 1 ½ to 2 GK lengths to side and waist height)
Collapse Dive Technique Kick out foot closest to direction of the ball across body to opposite side (Ensure GK does not kick forward thereby pushing body away from ball and minimizing coverage area) Hands to the ball in a diamond formation The faster and harder a GK kicks out, the quicker GK will reach ground Ensure GK lands on hips, side of rib cage and back of arm with arm fully extended (GK should finish exactly as in “Falling Technique” position) Ball should hit the turf first with ground as third hand (hand closer to turf should be behind ball with opposite hand on top of ball pinning ball to turf)
Collapse Dive Technique (Cont.) Diving Progression (stationary ball – place ball about GK length away slightly forward and to side) Squatting Goalkeeper Ready Stance Position Diving Progression (serve rolling ball about GK length away and to side)
Goalkeeper Diving Technique
Goalkeeper Footwork Goalkeeper requires fast footwork to enable GK to get into line with flight of ball as soon as possible Shuffle GK’s movements across goal should be a quick shuffle movement (Ensure distance between feet is always shoulder width apart even when moving) Avoid crossing feet because GK’s reaction time is slower and doesn’t allow for maximum distance when diving
Goalkeeper Footwork (Cont.) Cross step Allows GK to move backwards towards own goal without having to backpedal and risk being caught on heels Allows GK to jump to ball with maximum height Cross stepping to right lead with left foot in front of right, when cross stepping to left, lead with right front in front of left
Change of direction saves (1)
Change of direction saves (2)
Close Down Technique When GK realizes a through-ball has penetrated last line of defense and there’s little chance of recovery, GK should come out quickly to close down attacker and narrow the angle Close down technique should be used by GK when attacker is going to or has possession of ball GK must realize potential for being chipped if they come out to soon and too quickly GK needs to come off line hard then slow down as they approach attacker GK hands should be lowered and knees bent with feet shoulder width apart (similar to squat position)
Close Down Technique (Cont.) GK should not get too close to attacker and stay on their toes with weight forward ready to react and leave about two-arm lengths of cushion between themselves and attacker When attacker is within 10 yards they must make short steps to close down distance, be in line with ball and able to react in an instant It’s important that GK does not leave feet too soon as this will take pressure off forward by easing their decision Have GK begin by closing on a stationary attacker then have them work against attacker running at them at various speeds
Close Down Technique
Sliding Save Technique When GK realizes a through-ball has penetrated last line of defense and there’s little chance of recovery, GK should come out and quickly eliminate attacker’s possession of ball Sliding Save should be used when GK and attacker are both attacking a 50/50 ball GK should stay in line with ball GK should come off line and sprint forward towards ball (ensure GK doesn't step to side to set up slide, doing so will leave goal exposed for quick low shot) GK should use same technique as in collapse dive and proceed to slide body forward while performing this technique
Sliding Save Technique (Cont.) GK hands to ball first then slide through ball with belly button as the target to the ball GK should finish in square and protected position (should look like they finished a dive) Going down feet first should is not recommended because it provides the opposition with rebound opportunities Avoid having GK attacking ball head first as this may lead to a severe injury or concussion Attacking ball with either feet or hands first narrows GK’s body position, thus making goal appear bigger to attacker Have GK begin by sliding to stationary ball then proceed to ball served from various distances and angles
Sliding Save Technique
Technique for Throws Underhand Roll (Utilized for shorter distance targets) Position body squared towards target Cup ball in hand between forearm and hand Ensure GK steps with opposite foot and follows through with underhand release of ball ensuring ball arrives to target in rolling manner Goalkeeper should immediately follow roll and provide support
Technique for Throws (Cont.) Overhand Throw (Utilized for longer distance targets) Position body squared towards target Cup ball in hand between forearm and hand Ensure GK steps with opposite foot and points to target with opposite hand GK then follows through with windmill rotation of throwing arm and release of ball ensuring ball arrives to target in rolling manner
Technique for Goal Kick Approach the ball from approximately 30 degree angle Plant foot points to target and placed beside and slightly behind ball (this allows kicking foot to slide under ball and generate height and backspin) Sole and toe of kicking foot remain low through impact and kicking foot as well as hips finish while pointing to target GK should follow through and step forward after kick
Technique for Punt GK should hold ball about elbow height with both hands GK steps forward and drops ball in front of the kicking foot with 1 hand about waist height (Ensure GK does not toss ball up in air prior to contact) Toe of the kicking foot should be pointing down or forwards (but never up) upon impact Make contact underneath middle of ball to generate height and backspin and kicking foot as well as hips finish while pointing to target GK should follow through and step forward after kick
GK Soccer Tennis for Punts and Goal Kicks
Reaction Saves
Game Realistic Training for GK’s