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About this presentation This takes the place of a parent meeting. We are all busy and it is impossible to find a time that works for everyone. Doing it this way ensures that everyone receives all the info. There is a quiz at the end! Don’t worry it is easy, as long as you go through the presentation. Mainly it allows us to get some information from you.
Coaches Mike Caton: –Head Coach: Sprints and Hurdles Anderson Miller: –Jumps Kurt Skinner: –Distance Cole Wermers –Assistant Marko Hahn: –Pole Vault ? –Throws
Your Place on the Team For those new to CSCS track, there are no tryouts. As long as you are willing to work hard and contribute to the team, we will find a place for you. The Varsity team has no class restrictions, but rather is limited to those athletes who: –Are potentially top three on our team in any event –Are physically and mentally prepared to compete at a competitive level in a varsity race –Demonstrate the level of discipline and work ethic expected of varsity athletes All other athletes will be placed on our JV team and compete in JV meets.
Team Communication- We send out a weekly update by . Coach Caton all addresses that your family would like to receive s. Even if you did this last year.
Team Communication- Text During the week, partly due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances, and because our athletes don’t read , we use texting. To get on the list: Text Coach Caton at Include your name Parents and athletes can both be included in this group text
Schedules Disclaimer: The upcoming pages detail our schedule, but it will not happen this way. It never does! Spring weather in Colorado makes track the most challenging, difficult, and frustrating activity imaginable. Because it impossible to predict, please give us LOTS of patience when we are forced to make adjustments.
Practice schedule M-W-F are generally big training days at the Grace Center – St. Mary’s track: –3:30-5ish –Mondays: Distance runners will have a trail run offsite and meet back at CSCS to lift weights T-Th are generally recovery run/weightlifting days and team meetings/classes at CSCS –Tuesday/Thursday schedule thru 3/12 3:15-4:00: Recovery run for mid/long distance/Weight room for sprinters 4:00-4:45 Meeting for entire team –Tuesday/Thursday schedule after 3/12 3:15-4:00: Recovery run for mid/long distance/Weight room for sprinters
CSCS Grace Ctr. From southbound Union: Turn right on Acacia, and then left on Pirate Hgts.- park in lower parking lot Grace Center-St. Mary’s Track From CSCS: S. on Mallow- then Left on Mt. View- then R on Acacia- then R on Pirate Hts- park in lower parking lot
Meet Calendar The next two slides detail the Varsity and JV meet calendars. Four things to know: 1.Weather will most likely modify this. Varsity meets are generally rescheduled, JV meets are generally not. 2.Your place on either team can change from meet to meet depending on several factors. We announce the rosters as early as possible for your planning. 3.Additionally, we commonly race Varsity runners at JV meets for practice. 4.Varsity athletes may not compete at all meets – there are so many factors that influence these decisions, just trust we know what we are doing. Contact us if you have any questions.
Varsity Meet Calendar DateNameLocationTime 3/14Banana Belt ClassicCSU-PuebloAll day 4/3Sand Creek Invitational Sand CreekAfternoon/night 4/10,11Pomona InvitationalJeffco Stadium - LakewoodAll day 4/18Ray Campbell InvitationalFountain Fort-Carson High School All day 4/25EP County Small Schools Championships St. Mary’s Grace CenterAll day 5/2Doherty InvitationalGary BerryAll Day 5/9Tri Peaks League ChampionshipsSt. Mary’s Grace CenterAll Day 5/14-16State ChampionshipsJeffco Stadium - LakewoodAll Days
JV Meet Calendar DateMeetLocationTime 3/11Small School meetGrace Center3:00- 3/18Small School meetGrace Center3:00- 4/8Small School meetGrace Center3:00- 4/14Small School meetGrace Center3:00 4/25*EP County Small School Championships* Grace CenterAll day 5/9*League Championships*St. Mary’s Grace Center All day *These are Varsity meets, some JV athletes may roll up
How do athletes get to meets? If the meet is in town, athletes are expected to arrange their own transportation. We generally have transportation to meets that are out of town. However, there are other spring sports and sometimes we have to ask parents to help us out if there are no vans or busses available.
How Do Athletes Qualify for the State Championships? Rankings are kept throughout the season (from qualifying meets). The state’s top 18 athletes at season’s end qualify for the state championships. Note: This means we overschedule meets so that we don’t miss an opportunity to be ranked.
Pasta Parties One of the highlights of the track season is pasta parties. A pasta party is a team social the day before a meet that includes eating pasta-duh. Athletes are responsible for covering the cost for these parties. Rather than hassling with money collections at each party, athletes each pay $15 at the beginning of the season to share the cost for all parties. The money is then disbursed to the party hosts to buy food. Cash only, please. (Otherwise, we have an accounting hassle we have to go through with CSCS.)
Pasta Parties Additionally, we are looking for families to host parties. A large house with options-tables for cards games, video games, game tables, etc. are best for this. It is common for families to join forces on the efforts. Party DateHost 3/13? 4/9? 4/24? 5/1? 5/8?
How to Get Track Gear Get an order form Turn in order form and payment to Coach Kenney (make checks out to: Bravo Screenprinting) Sale ends Friday, March 6th For athletes and families These items are optional
Track Undergarments If you purchase any tights, tops, and compression shorts to race in, they must be NAVY. Upperclassmen who already own other colors are encouraged, but not required, to purchase navy. Underclassmen MUST purchase only navy items. The goal is to avoid challenges of the past. Relays will be wearing NAVY undergarments.
Shoes We will not have a formal “shoe night” at a running store, but. the next slide will detail what I would like you to ask for at the store you choose. Note: Colorado Running Co., Boulder Running Co. or Runner’s Roost all do a good job and will be able to outfit you with what the shoe type I’m Suggesting. Any of these locations will give you15-20% off if you tell them you run for a high school.
Shoes For track, you need two pairs of shoes” Training shoes –If you haven’t already purchased these, I strongly recommend shoes that are designed for striking on the mid to front of the foot. I’d rather you not get the traditional shoe that is built up on the heel. That forces the runner to land on the heels which just teaches bad form. Racing spikes-next slide
Racing spikes –The type you need depends on your events. If you don’t know yet, I’d suggest holding off on getting these. I’ll do an assessment at the beginning of the season to help answer this questions. If you already know you revents: Sprinters-these have a hard heel Mid Distance-these have a little cushion on the heel, but not o the arch Distance-have a small cushion along the bottom of the heel and arch.
Expectations The next few slides deal with expectations we have for all athletes in our program. These expectations have been crafted through trial and error over ten years of leading this program. While some may seem strict, we have found them to be important and will be enforced.
Expectations Athletes are responsible to get to practices on time. We don’t have the luxury of our own track on campus, but we do have access to St. Mary’s Grace Center. Due to logistics, it is generally necessary for upper classmen to drive underclassmen to practice. Fortunately, it is within 5 minutes of CSCS through 25 mph neighborhood streets. Please park in the lot below the track (west of the track).
Expectations We are guests on the Grace Center track. –Be respectful of the property and equipment. –Drive safely on their road and in their parking lot. We are sharing the track with other teams. –Pay attention when crossing the track or field.
Expectations Tardiness: We will start practice promptly. Two tardies in one week without coach’s permission equal one skipped practice. Attendance at Practice: Be at every practice unless prior arrangement with any coach. Athletes missing practice without coach’s permission will not participate in next meet.
Expectations Submit calendar of absences at beginning of season or every Monday. If you need to miss practice or a meet, please us at the beginning of the week. We ask that you not inform us at practice as this can lead to a mass-exodus due to a false impression of lax attendance requirements. Athletes can also text coaches if something comes up last minute. Please include your name so coaches know who the text is from. (No, you are not all in our contacts.) Coach Caton:
Expectations Meet Attendance Athletes are welcome but only expected to attend meets in which they are competing. Weekday meets – athletes are encouraged to stay but may leave when done competing. Must check out with a coach. Weekend meets (Fridays included)– athletes arrive and leave with team to encourage teammates unless prior arrangement made with any coach. Exceptions may be made for out of town meets. If this is a problem, you may want to consider if Varsity is right for you. Yes, we take this seriously.
Expectations Dress Code at Meets –Athletes will be issued uniforms and warm ups. We recognize that most prefer to not wear our warm ups, but rather, opt for their own. We are OK with this under these conditions: –CSCS track apparel preferred –Any CSCS sports apparel acceptable –Solid CSCS colors (navy, gold, white, gray) No other colors, patterns, etc. are allowed –Yes, we take this seriously as well.
Expectations Covered skin recommended for temperatures below 50 0, required for temperatures below 45 0 If you come to practice without warmups or tights under these conditions, you will be sent home. Seriously. It’s for your own good. Colorado’s weather changes dramatically throughout the day and Grace Center is always colder because of its location. Plan for cold temps all the way until the end of the season!
Expectations Runners should have a sports watch. Nothing fancy, just needs to have a stop watch function, in order to time intervals and breaks.
Nutrition and Recovery Proper improvement from training can only come when the body gets what it needs to recover. Water-we recommend half your body weight in ounces of water each day. You will most likely have to carry a water bottle with you during the day at school.
Nutrition and Recovery Eat Healthy: limit junk food –Protein: athletes need at least 50% of their body weight in grams of protein each day in order to recover and build strength (it’s actually more, but we don’t want to freak parents out). You should get some whey protein and supplement daily.
Post Workout Recovery On hard training days especially, it is recommended that you consume carbohydrates and protein in a 4:1 ratio within one hour after working out. Your options are to purchase: –Endurox, or any similar product with the 4:1 ratio –Chocolate milk-It’s true! Coach Caton has observed the AFA track team being handed chocolate milk containers and Cliff bars after a workout.
Nutrition and Recovery Rest-Get to sleep as early as possible
What to Have in Your Track Bag Water Hat / beanie Gloves Layers of clothes IE. long-sleeve shirts, hoodies, tights or sweat bottoms Extra socks Any necessary medication (inhaler, ibuprofen…) Athletic tape Sprinters should always have their spikes
Misc. Team Stuff
How Do I Get a Varsity Letter? The requirements are as follows: –Score at least 7 points throughout the season at Varsity meets, OR –Qualify for the state team, OR –Participation on the track team for four years
Needs Underwriters –As with all CSCS teams, we are required to raise our own funds for extra things like uniforms, awards, etc. We do our share of fund raising, but also rely on generous parents who want to support their athlete’s team. If you are one of those people, please contact any of the coaches. Team “parents” –We can always use super parents to help with a variety of team things that come up throughout the season, like helping at meets, organizing team events, and helping St. Mary’s out when they ask because they are so generous with the use of their track.
Injuries We have made amazing strides in reducing injuries on our team. In fact, we have less injuries than any school we know about. We believe the reasons are as follows: –Our training plan allows for recovery –We don’t over-stretch –When we first hear about an injury starting, we refer athletes to –Deb Hellman (Muscle Activation) –Dr. Mark Rocco, D.C Flintridge Dr. Ste #
Housekeeping Sign in every day for attendance 5 practices required to compete unless coming from another school sport Sports packets and physicals due in office by 2/11 1 st practice 2/23 at St. Mary’s track 3:30-5 –Sign up for text messages NOW in case changes have to be made.
Milesplit Milesplit is the website for everything track and field in CO. Go here for meet calendar, results, rankings, articles, photos, etc.Milesplit
For parents Quiz –Must be taken by March 2nd. Athletes will not be allowed to practice after that date until the quiz has been taken by a parent. When the quiz is submitted, it will send Coach Trimbach an notification.
Closing Thanks for reading our team information! We hope this makes the season “run” smoothly for everyone. We’re looking forward to working with all the athletes and helping them achieve their personal bests!