Engage, Inspire, Achieve, Attain: How the Modern Baccalaureate can future proof your curriculum with minimal changes
“This is the era of the subject” Nick Gibb “…perverse incentives…” Michael Gove
Local ownership: school and/or academy chain logo QR Code: links to secure transcript of students’ achievements, including a school reference and evidence of skills and experiences
The Honours Programme This part of the award is designed to accredit up to seven areas of experience and achievement, carefully chosen to meet the ModBac aims and objectives, and delivered within the context of a broad and balanced personal development curriculum. The seven areas are: A modern language / internationalism ICT / Computing Enterprise / Financial Capability An extended project Work Experience or Work- related programme A personal challenge A community award These learning contexts can be externally accredited through a qualification, an approved provider (DoE, Young Enterprise, SkillForce, etc.), as part of a curriculum programme, inside or outside the classroom
Grading the Honours Programme at Foundation and Intermediate Level Not every student has to do every element, and the final gradings will reflect this (and the importance of external accreditation, as follows: DISTINCTION* All 7 elements evidenced in learner transcript (with at least 4 elements externally accredited or certificated) DISTINCTION 6 elements evidenced in learner transcript (with at least 3 elements externally accredited or certificated) MERIT 5 elements evidenced in learner transcript (with at least 2 elements externally accredited or certificated) PASS 4 elements evidenced in learner transcript (no elements need external accreditation or certification) The learner transcript would be clear about which elements (e.g. Personal Challenge, Languages, etc) have been evidenced.
The Skills Passport The Skills Passport will be flexible and adaptable to local contexts, accrediting skills development systems and processes that may already be highly developed in some schools and academies. The pupil transcript will report the basic and wider skills students have acquired, such as: ALAN tests (literacy and numeracy) Other functional or key skill tests and qualifications ASDAN skills-centred qualifications (CoPE, AoPE, CVQ, Employability, etc.) RSA “Opening Minds” awards PLTS passport Building Learning Power QCF competence based skills qualifications from Prince’s Trust, Edexcel and NCFE
A Unique Story behind every Modern Baccalaureate transcript An extremely able student, possibly in the top 4% in the country- secured very high grades in nearly every GCSE …however, only a PASS for Honours programme (Language GCSE qualification perhaps, but little else externally accredited). No community work? Why has such an able student got so little to show in terms of employability skills?
A Unique Story behind every Modern Baccalaureate transcript Andi Elliott Andi is a very hardworking young lady and is committed to everything she embarks upon. Andi has already passed Maths and English in Y10, with good grades, but is now aiming for A*s. In addition to this she is studying GSCE Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Andi has also passed NCFE Level 2 Custom Animation as well as a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art. She is also studying GCSE R.E. Chinese and OCR Nationals Level 2 First Award in ICT. Andi will finish with an Intermediate Level Modern Baccalaureate. Andi has met the Skills Passport requirements through ASDAN’s AoPE (Award of Personal Effectiveness), developing and accrediting Team Working, Planning & Reviewing Learning and Presentation skills based on work experience. Andi has also completed the Level 2 literacy and numeracy ALAN tests. Andi also has also worked with a group of students to set up and run a Smoothie bar at the Academy, thus, demonstrating team working skills and entrepreneurial qualities. Andi enjoys playing music in her spare time and has achieved a grade 3 in drums and a grade 2 in the violin. She was also involved in the Rock Challenge performance in Y10. These have contributed to the Personal Challenge. Andi also chosen to study the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Enterprise qualification in the Academy’s extended day. Since Andi is studying Chinese and ICT these will also count towards the Honours section. As Work Experience was externally accredited through ASDAN (see above), Andi has therefore already achieved five elements within the Honours section.
A Unique Story behind every Modern Baccalaureate transcript Andi Elliott
A Unique Story behind every Modern Baccalaureate transcript Andi Elliott
Modern Baccalaureate Uniquely branded for your school, your academy, your local authority, your federation, your academy chain
STRATEGIC PARTNERS ASDAN EDUCATION Will use its national network of regional managers and area co- ordinators to support schools through the Modbac programme Will give free resources to support Modbac (Bronze/Silver books for every registered learner if required, and access to the PLAN-DO- REVIEW guided reflection sheets at the heart of skill development) Access to theORB new from September, an on-line resource bank with an abundance of easy-to-use activities designed explicitly to support the personal development of young people Mapping support to show how ASDAN CoPE can be used to accredit both the HONOURS programme and the SKILLS PASSPORT
STRATEGIC PARTNERS IMAGINATIVE MINDS Every teacher in the school or college becomes a free registered user of Imaginative Minds’ Professional Learning Community, a bank of over 5000 articles, documents and training materials compiled from five educational journals covering leadership, Special Needs, Creative Learning and Teaching, etc.
STRATEGIC PARTNERS TLM Supplying the innovative technologies that enable learners to build their Modbac portfolio (any time, any place, anywhere), teachers to validate evidence and the printing/QR Coding of all certificates TLM’s ITQ has been accepted as a “High Quality” qualification, and therefore counts towards 5+ A* to C as an equivalence from 2014 onwards Its modular flexibility enables us to deliver a range of IT options, including industry-standard engineering options
Costs: An annual centre registration fee of £695 + the cost of registering a new cohort of learners into the Modbac programme (£15 per learner*) this works out to 2/3rds of the cost of a GCSE entry per learner! A one-off fee of £450 in the first year to cover training on the online- portfolio, teacher's markbook and certification process * a sliding tariff will operate so that large schools benefit from the economy of scale £15 a student for new cohorts up to 200, £10 a student for the next 300, thereafter £5 a student Certificates will be printable by centres locally, on demand, at an anticipated cost of 30-40p per certificate (one printable certificate per learner included in the registration price).
Access to the ModBac framework, and centre approval process; A free ASDAN Bronze/Silver curriculum workbook for every registered learner (if required) Free access to ASDAN’s proven suite of guided reflection proformas, to support the identification, development and acceditation of personal skills Reduced-rate access to TLM’s Ofqual-accredited IT qualification; Printable ModBac Certificates (1 per registered learner)- additional certificates available on demand, at a cost of 30-40p per certificate A QR-coded single learner transcript stating clearly the components completed and the levels reached; the QR on each certificate will link to a unique transcript containing extra details, such as qualcodes of individual qualifications, awards, etc
Full on-line and telephone support throughout the year and handbook; Free access to online audit, portfolio tools and a teacher's markbook; An on line portfolio for every learner, to store evidence of skills, challenges and qualifications A Modern Baccalaureate Centre Approval Certificate A system for brokering access to organisations that can help deliver the Personal Challenge and other elements of the Honours and Skills programmes; A subsidised place at the annual ModBac conference;