Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses in NC Statewide RIBN Project
NC Nursing Education Programs 59 associate degree programs (ADN) –55 based in community colleges 18 pre-licensure BSN programs 1 pre-licensure MSN program 2 diploma programs 19 RN to BSN completion programs 38 practical nursing programs
NC RN Nursing Workforce Greater than 66% of new graduates are prepared at the associate degree (ADN) level Only 15.6% of ADNs have completed a BSN or higher degree Decreasing pipeline for future faculty, advanced practice & leadership roles
RIBN Background NC IOM 2004 Nursing Workforce Priority: Increase proportion of BSN-prepared nurses to 60% in NC Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future Grant (PIN) –RWJF/NWHF/Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence of NYC WNC RIBN Partners: WCU, AB Tech CC, FFNE Additional support from state/local funders for WNC RIBN Funding support to seed RIBN statewide: The Duke Endowment and Partners Investing in Nursing through Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence
What is RIBN? Partnership between community or private college and baccalaureate nursing programs Dual Admission Criteria and Curriculum approved by both institutions Recognized as BSN program by NC Educational Assistance Authority New Educational Track to BSN degree NOT an RN to BSN program
Four Year RIBN Curriculum Home-based at community or private college Years 1-3 –Take one university course per semester to maintain admission status and earn credits toward BSN - Most university courses on-line Year 1 – General education/nursing pre-reqs Years 2 & 3 - Complete ADN program; eligible for RN licensure Year 4: Complete BSN courses/degree at university while being eligible to work as RN
History of RIBN Across NC : AB Tech & WCU developed model in NC – 1 st students admitted 2010; 1 st BSN grads : Added 5 Regional RIBN Partnerships –Centralina, Eastern NC, Hickory, Rural Piedmont, Wilmington –Includes 5 universities, 13 CCs, 1 private ADN program –Admit 1 st RIBN students 2012; 1 st BSN grads 2016 Project new BSN grads/year beginning 2016 RIBN interest expanding statewide 1/3 rd of NC BSN programs and 1/4 th NC CCs now involved
WNC [pilot] Western Carolina University Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Rural Piedmont Pfeiffer University Stanly Community College Hickory Lenoir-Rhyne University Western Piedmont Community College Wilkes Community College Caldwell Community College Catawba Valley Community College Mitchell Community College Regional RIBN Partnerships Cherokee Graham Clay Swain Macon Jackson Transylvania Haywood Buncombe Madison Henderson Yancey McDowell Rutherford Polk Cleveland Burke Mitchell Avery Watauga Ashe Wilkes Caldwell Alleghany Surry Alexander Catawba Lincoln Iredell Gaston Mecklenburg Union Anson Cabarrus Stanly Rowan Davie Yadkin Stokes Forsyth Davidson Rockingham Guilford Randolph Montgomery Richmond Moore Caswell Alamance Orange Durham Chatham Person Granville Vance Warren Wake Lee Johnston Franklin Harnett Scotland Robeson Columbus Brunswick New Hanover Bladen Hoke Cumberland Sampson Duplin Pender Onslow Jones Lenoir Wayne Craven Greene Wilson Nash Edgecombe Pitt Halifax Northhampton Hertford Bertie Martin Beaufort Gates Chowan Perquimans Camden Currituck Pasquatank Washington Tyrrell Dare Hyde Pamlico Carteret Tier One Counties Eastern North Carolina East Carolina University Lenoir Community College Beaufort Community College Roanoke-Chowan Community College Pitt County Community College Wilmington UNC Wilmington Cape Fear Community College Centralina UNC Charlotte Gaston College Central Piedmont Community College College of Health Sciences at Carolinas Healthcare System
RIBN Success Factors Commitment to collaboration between the academic programs Standardized CC ADN Curriculum Regional Coordinator to “sell” dual concept, assure all agreements met, documents signed across institutions; keep project on track! Student Success Advocate to market program to high schools, advise applicants, support students
Essential Partners for Success Administrators of all involved academic institutions – presidents, chancellors, deans, registrars, student services directors, state-level administrators Nursing Faculty Primary employers in region - CEOs, CNOs, Recruiters, Staff Education Coordinators Funding organizations
Expected RIBN Outcomes Increase access to BSN programs, particularly in rural areas Increase faculty and APRN pipeline Resource sharing among RIBN partners – faculty, labs, other learning opportunities Economically feasible option to achieve BSN
Expected Outcomes….. Increase RN preparation for complex, hi tech, fast-paced work environment Increase RN preparation in public health, gerontology, leadership Increase proportion of younger graduates entering workforce Increase diversity of nursing workforce
NC Future of Nursing Action Coalition Mission: Transforming Nursing for NC’s Health Based on IOM Report – The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Priority Action: Increase proportion of baccalaureate nurses to 80% by 2020 –Major Strategy: Implement RIBN statewide by 2016
RIBN Challenges & Opportunities Engaging faculty/administrators/support services at all academic levels Engaging employers to support RIBN student/employee through Year 4 Faculty/student readiness for new teaching/learning modalities Assuring statewide access to RIBN track
RIBN Challenges & Opportunities Engaging faculty/administrators/support services at all academic levels Engaging employers to support RIBN student/employee through Year 4 Faculty/student readiness for new teaching/learning modalities Assuring statewide access to RIBN track
Together we can transform nursing in North Carolina!!! Visit our website at for more information on the RIBN Project & Future of Nursing Action