(Insert Discipline) ATF Meeting ACADEMIC YEAR
Introductions Identify note taker Review meeting minutes from 2013 Meeting purpose, goals, and outcomes GETTING STARTED: Welcome!
ASSIST Update & Data Trends ASSIST is transitioning to report to the AZTransfer Director of Technology Alignment of ASSIST with the AZTransfer brand REORGANIZATION & REBRANDING
ASSIST Update & Data Trends In 2012–13, the number of new transfers from Arizona community colleges totaled 10,315, an increase of 22.0% since 2007 ‐ 08. Minority student representation among the new transfer student population jumped 52.2% over the same time period. In addition, the number of students with 60 or more transfer hours at entry rose 69.0%, while students 30 years of age or older increased 55.4%. NEW TRANSFERS FROM ARIZONA COMMUNITY COLLEGES
ASSIST Update & Data Trends NEW TRANSFERS FROM ARIZONA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Academic preparation at entry is measured by two ‐ year credentials (AGEC only, AA/AB/AS degree, other types of associate degrees, or no credentials). The number of AZCC transfers entering with an AA/AB/AS degree increased 65.4% since 2007 ‐ 08 to a total of 4,640 in 2012 ‐ 13, representing 45.0% of all new AZCC transfers.
ASSIST Update & Data Trends BACCALAUREATE DEGREE RECIPIENTS WHO ENTERED AS NEW TRANSFERS FROM AZCCs The number of degree recipients who transferred to the university system with an AGEC and an AA/AB/AS degree doubled over the last five years to a total of 3,280, representing 46.7% of all AZCC degree recipients. The largest percentage increase since 2007 ‐ 08 (126.0%) was for degree recipients entering with an Associate of Science.
ASSIST Update & Data Trends BACCALAUREATE DEGREE RECIPIENTS WHO ENTERED AS NEW TRANSFERS FROM AZCCs In 2012 ‐ 13, there was a total of 7,031 baccalaureate degree recipients who entered as new transfers from Arizona community colleges, an increase of 21.1% since 2007 ‐ 08. Among this population, the number of minority degree recipients increased 43.4%. Other notable trends included increases for males, for the 25 to 29 age group at entry, and for those with 60 transfer hours or more at entry.
AZTransfer Summit Overview “This was a great event... it brought together faculty, administrators, curriculum folks and program leaders for a great series of conversations. Looking forward to next year... there are so many opportunities for the colleges and universities to work together... the more we know each other the more we will do together.” NETWORKING LUNCH SESSION CONTENT LENGTH OF EVENT Attendees generally all liked the…
AZTransfer Summit Overview
FOR NEXT YEAR… Registration fee for attendees (appx. $50)– most survey respondents indicated they would be willing to pay this amount to attend. More statewide information (bigger picture) and AZTransfer training sessions. Volunteers to help AZTransfer staff with various day-of operations (registration, room attendance, etc.).
Common Course Matrices REVIEW: Review the Matrices listed on the ATF Portal Page Are the courses listed on the Common Courses section of the matrix required for the University degrees listed above? If not, should they be re-categorized as Electives? The Matrix Change Report lists any changes which were approved in the past year. Review and update the Course Equivalency Guide information (See College Course Prefixes on your ATF Portal page)
Exams for Credit / EEG REVIEW: Are there AP/CLEP/IB or DSST exams associated with your ATF? If so, have you established common cut score equivalencies that all institutions will accept?
Curricular Updates DISCUSSION ITEMS: Update on university general education requirements (Lead members from each university) Institutional updates for curriculum planning and anticipated program changes (Lead member from each institution)
Curriculum Planning DISCUSSION ITEMS: Where is our field/profession going and what are the implications to curriculum? What is the future of our discipline? Is teaching in our field changing and if so how? How can our institutions collaborate to better serve students in our shared disciplines? Are there ATFs with which we should be communicating? DISCUSSION ITEMS: ACETS, the tool used for course equivalency reviews, will now accept data for Learning Outcomes, Textbook Information, Faculty Contact and Syllabus.
Meeting Wrap-Up DISCUSSION ITEMS: Record ATF decisions Identify items to follow up on before the next meeting Identify issues to bring to forward Suggested agenda items for next meeting Plan the next Fall meeting (and Spring only if needed) Chair/Co-chairs Host Location Date Time Note taker
CAROL SPENCER, Ph.D. Executive Director HELENA BABISKI Administrative Associate REBECCA McKAY Director of Technology ERIN WOODELL Director of Marketing & Communications AZTransfer Staff Contacts