How to Survive A Quarter to Semester Conversion Dr. Belle S. Wheelan, President SACS Commission on Colleges May 11, 2010
Definitions Academic Term—the time when classes are held, i.e., fall, spring, summer Semester—an academic year with two terms of 15 weeks (30 weeks total) [81%] Quarter—an academic year with THREE 10 week terms (30 weeks total) Trimester—an academic year with three week terms (30-33 weeks) Open Entry/Exit—most typical in on-line programs
Key to Successful Transition “…Working with faculty, students and staff to ensure an appropriate perspective and frame of reference as they undertake the change.” »Fred Gainous, Former Chancellor »Alabama System
Why Semesters? Most common practice in the world (Common Calendar)
Semester Systems Australia Belgium Brazil China Denmark Germany Hong Kong India Ireland Israel Mexico Poland Portugal Russia United Kingdom (varies)
Why Semesters? Ensures same amount of academic credit for classes across institutions
Credit Values Hours—3 quarter hrs = 2 semester hrs Credits—quarter hours are usually 4 or 5 credits and semester hours are 3 credits Full time student must take five courses per semester OR 3 or 4 courses per quarter Students must take more classes to learn same amount of information under quarter systems
Why Semesters? Facilitates Transfer Among Different Institutions Across the World
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers Transfer Credit Practices—is published to facilitate student mobility among institutions and to reduce the problems of students who attend more than one institution in the pursuit of an associate, baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree. »AACRAO Transfer Practices
Why Semesters? Several Advantages
Advantages of Semesters Overall More time on task for students to absorb and comprehend material, complete papers and projects Easier to transfer credits Earlier graduation date puts students in the job market earlier More time teaching than registering students More flexibility in scheduling classes Reduced costs of buying textbooks, printing class schedules, etc. Opportunity to Revamp the Curriculum
Advantages Continued Instructional Scheduling (fewer courses needed) Fewer Course sections needed More classrooms available in the afternoon Allows part-timers to enroll in more than one class per term Student retention should increase
Getting Down to the Nuts and Bolts
Issues and Policies to Consider Teaching Faculty Load—Courses and hours to be taught (regular terms and overloads) Consulting/Research Efforts Office hours, Committee Meetings, etc. Compensation (Fall & Spring vs Summer) Vacations MORALE
Sample Faculty Load Translation Quarters 50 days of class +5 days of exams +1 day pre-class 56 days/quarter ÷3 months/quarter 18 2/3 days/month –T–The Ohio State University Semesters 70 days of class +5 days of exams +1 reading day 76 days/semester x2 semesters 152 days +19 days May term 171 days ÷ 9 months 19 days/month
Sample Faculty Load FL SP SU Total Duty Days Instructional Weeks Exam Days Total Days/Weeks 80/16 80/16 53 Registration Days Prof. Devel. (state) 2 3 Prof. Devel. (local) 6 –Alabama College System
Issues and Policies Continued Academic Calendar Length of terms Dates for Final Exams, Withdrawal, etc. Graduation Dates Admission and Registration Dates Computation of Grade Point Averages Revision of Number of hours in degree and certificate programs
Issues and Policies Continued Student Services Advisors to meet with students to explain & reconfigure their academic program Set positive tone with students to ease transition Identification of a Coordinator to: Handle Complaints Make Decisions About Course Substitutions Opportunity to Make Changes in Advising Process How to Handle Repetition of Courses Taken Under Quarter System, “I” grades, Student Classifications, Conversion of GPA’s, etc. Calculation of Honor Lists, Warning & Probationary Status, etc.
Issues and Policies Continued Student Concerns No Loss of Credit No Extended Time to Graduation No Overall Increased Costs (up front costs may be more because of only paying twice a year rather than 3 times)
Issues and Policies Continued Fiscal Ensure no net increases in tuition/fees Plan for change in revenue the first year or two due to enrollment changes (+ or -) Need for an Emergency Loan Fund or Tuition Payment Plan Potential Changes in Payroll Dates Changes in Tuition Rates & fees, Dates for payments, Refunds, Pell Grant Distributions, etc. Potential Costs to implement Conversion
Issues and Policies Continued Information Services Changes in software programs and databases New Transcripts with Explanations of Changes Conversion of GPA’s New Bills Change in Term for Financial Aid purposes
Issues and Policies Continued Potential New Processes/Practices Information Packet for Students Explaining Conversion Common Course Directory—standardized numbers, definitions, prefixes, and credit Course Program Completion Form (Academic Audit) New Procedures for Adding Courses New Assessment Processes for Faculty, courses & programs, and process
Questions and Feedback
Contact Information SACS Commission on Colleges Dr. Belle S. Wheelan, President