OWWA Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
THE OVERSEAS WORKERS WELFARE ADMINISTRATION (OWWA) Membership Institution Lead government Agency tasked to protect and promote the welfare and well- being of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) Attached agency of the Department of Labor and Employment
ENABLING LAWS Letter of Instruction (LOI) No. 537Presidential Decree (PD) Nos and 1809Executive Order No. 126Republic Act 8042Republic Act 10022
OWWA MANDATE Development and Delivery of welfare programs and services Ensure capital build-up and the viability of the Fund
OWWA BOARD OF TRUSTEES Secretary of the Dep’t Labor and Employment - ChairmanOWWA Administrator – Vice - ChairmanUndersecretary of Labor (Employment Cluster)Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs (OUMWA)POEA AdministratorRepresentative, Department of FinanceRepresentative, Department of Budget and ManagementRepresentative, Labor SectorRepresentative, Management SectorRepresentative, Sea-Based SectorRepresentative, Land-Based SectorRepresentative, Women Sector
THE OWWA FUND Single trust fund US $25.00 membership contribution of employers of land-based workers and seafarers Membership is per employment contract, valid for 2 years A SINGLE TRUST FUND US$25.00 MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYERS OF LAND-BASED WORKERS AND SEAFARERS; MEMBERSHIP IS PER EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, VALID FOR MAXIMUM OF 2 YEARS
On-site Employment Return & Reintegration Pre-departure OWWA is present in the entire MIGRATION CYCLE
Where can one avail of the Programs and Services of OWWA?
Washington, D.C.
London, UK Madrid, Spain Milan, Italy Rome, Italy Athens, Greece Nicosia, Cyprus
Jordan Israel Lebanon Syria Riyadh, KSA Jeddah, KSA Al-Khobar, KSA CRO, KSA Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Abu Dhabi, UAE Dubai, UAE Oman Libya
Taipei, Taiwan Kaohsiung, Taiwan Taichung, Taiwan Tokyo, Japan Seoul, Korea Hong Kong, SAR Macau, SAR Brunei Singapore Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Programs and Services
PROGRAM CATEGORIES Social Benefits Education and Training Benefits / Assistance Workers Welfare Program Repatriation Program Reintegration Program
Disability and Dismemberment Benefit Php50,000 to Php100,000 for accident- related injuries sustained during the membership validity
Death Benefit Php100,000 if death was due to natural cause; Php200,000 if death was due to accident; Php20,000 burial/funeral expenses
A. Pre-Departure Education Program (PDEP) is a mandatory orientation/training for departing OFWs. 1. Country-Specific Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) – An orientation for ready-to-leave OFWs; curriculum of several modules on culture orientation; employment contract; values orientation; code of discipline; health and safety; travel tips; financial management, and government programs and services
2. Comprehensive Pre-Departure Education Program (CPDEP) – A culture and language training and orientation and stress management for HSWs.
B. Scholarships, Training and Incentive Programs B1. Scholarship Program for Seafarers Seafarers‘ Upgrading Program (SUP) Short-term training program for Filipino seafarers; Php7,500 training assistance
B2. Scholarships for Dependents a) Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP) – A competitive scholarship program for dependents of OFWs with financial assistance of Php60,000/SY; 4-to-5-year baccalaureate course
b) OFW Dependents Scholarship Program (OFWDSP) – Php20,000 financial assistance/SY; baccalaureate or associate degree; OFW must have a salary of not more than $400/mo; state college or university c) Education and Livelihood Assistance Program (ELAP) –Legal dependents of deceased OFWs receive financial assistance of Php5,000/SY for elementary; Php8,000/SY for high school; Php10,000/SY for college; and livelihood assistance of Php15,000 for the surviving spouse.
Congressional Migrant Worker Scholarship Fund (CMWSP) – established by RA 8042; Scholarship for OFWs and their immediate families; financial assistance of Php60,000/SY; course/training in the field of science and technology
B3. Short-Term Training Programs for OFWs and dependents a) Skills-for-Employment Scholarship Program (SESP) –Scholarship for short-term training program; financial assistance of Php14,500/course; vocational or technical course in any school accredited by TESDA. b) Information Technology Program –Information Technology Program - An Information and communication technology (ICT) skills training; bridge the communication gap between the OFW and his/her family through the use of social media/internet.
Workers Welfare Program
On-Site Welfare Case Management Tracing of OFWs’ whereabouts; psycho-social counseling for distressed workers; conciliation and mediation with the employers; immigration and airport assistance for the repatriation of OFWs; hospital/prison/work camp visitations; legal assistance;
In- Country Welfare Case Management Requests by families or NOKs (next-of-kin) for assistance from Post; post-repatriation assistance like airport assistance, transport services, provision of temporary shelter, stress debriefing/ counseling, medical referrals, reintegration (self-employment, local employment, livelihood) etc.
Repatriation Program
Repatriation of distressed OFWs or human remains in normal or emergency situations. Post-repatriation Services - Airport assistance, temporary shelter at the Halfway Home, psycho- social counseling, stress debriefing, briefing on reintegration services and provision of transport services or fares for onward travel to their provinces.
Reintegration Program
On-Site Reintegration Preparedness Program Free trainings on values formation, financial management, entrepreneurial development training, and capacity-building *Reintegration is a way of mainstreaming returning OFWS into the Philippine society.
In-Country Reintegration Services Economic and Social Reintegration Job referrals (local and overseas employment); business counseling; financial management training; and social preparation activities; Implemented by DOLE/National Reintegration Center for OFWs/OWWA
2-Billion Pesos Reintegration Fund for Enterprise Development Loan facility for active/non-active members Loan guarantee Land Bank of the Philippines Php300, to Php 2 million Non-collateral, 7.5% interest/annum, 5-7 years to pay
OWWA Livelihood Development Program for OFWs Loan facility Php200,000 per borrower Php 1M for group borrowers
DOLE/OWWA reintegration program for displaced/distressed workers; Starter kits worth Php7,500 plus skills training; OR Livelihood assistance of Php10,000 with Entrepreneurial Development Training “Balik-Pinas, Balik- Hanapbuhay”
OWWA Presentation © 2013