CAREERS ADVISORS DAY Bachelor of Nursing course September 2013
What do we look for academically? 5 GCSEs are required which must include English, Mathematics and a Science subject, two GCSEs must be at grades A*-B and 3 at grade C or above AND 3 ‘A’ levels at Grade ABB (prefer one of Biology, Psychology or Sociology) OR Other equivalent qualifications including: – Degree 2:1/ masters /PhD, – Edexcel/ BTEC Extended DDM – Access to Higher Education (see website for details) – International Baccalaureate 34 points – FETAC (Irish) Potential to achieve 5 Distinctions 3 Merits
Selection process- short listing Short-listing is based upon: Personal Statement; Predicted/Actual Grades/Performance; Reference.
Career prospects Of the nurses qualifying from the University of Birmingham in 2012, graduate (nursing posts) employment was 100% by May 2013 Nurses may work in hospitals or community settings, but others can work in schools, industry, prisons, education, research, management, Graduating students work locally, nationally or overseas Some become nurse specialists and nurse consultants
Career projection and salaries for qualified nurses in 2013 Staff nurse salary (band 5) £21-27k; Nurse team leader (band 6) £25-34k; Higher level nurse (band 7) £30-40k; Consultant nurses (band 8) £39-67k See for detailshttp://
Applicants for 2014 Over 1900 people applied for 104 places; 550+ interviews; 250 offers made; 104 to start
Entry route for 2012 cohort Male starters: 7; female starters 97
What we can offer you - Study in a first-class University; - Clinical experience of Adult, Mental Health, and Children’s Nursing, before choosing field of practice. Shared learning with physiotherapy students; - 50% of the course in practice, in a wide range of clinical areas; Why choose the University of Birmingham?
- A 4-week elective placement in the UK or abroad - Means-tested bursaries from the NHS Student Grants Unit; - Tuition fees paid for you by the Department of Health (finance currently under review) Excellent career opportunities- highly sought after by local Trusts Why choose the University of Birmingham? (2)
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