WESPaC Student Washington School Information Processing Cooperative State Reports Changes for Presented by: David Dye, Julie Williams
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports Presentation Overview DOH CSRS WA State Standardized Transcript
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports DOH Changes Add Grade 10 to Hep B vaccination requirements Add Grade 1 to Varicella vaccination requirements Change to MMR vaccination Change to DTap/DT/Td/Tdap vaccination requirements
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports DOH Changes Changes to the DOH Required School Immunization Report layout DOH at Risk Summary Report changes See Department of Health Changes handout
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports CSRS Change Retained / Advanced Students (end of year) –Current logic: If a student is marked as ‘retained’ or ‘advanced’, has a w/d record and a re-entry record the next day, the records are concatenated and the student is reported with an E0 Enrollment Status. If a student is marked as ‘retained’ or ‘advanced’ with a gap of more than one day in the e/w records, the records are not concatenated and the student is placed on the Exception report.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports CSRS Change Retained / Advanced Students (end of year) New logic (August Standard Release): If student: –Is marked as ‘retained’ or ‘advanced’ –Has a gap of more than one day in the e/w records –Is re-enrolled in the same entity –Does not have a state withdrawal type code –Collection Period = 10, 11 or 12 (June, July or August) The student is included on the Extract File with Enrollment status of E0, for months the student is active. The student is included on the Warning Report.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports CSRS Change Retained or Advanced Students (end of year) –Training Issue: If Entity ends school in May (or an end of year retention occurs in May) the withdrawal date for retained student(s) needs to be in June, July or August. –Otherwise, with a May w/d date the student will not be on the Extract Report and will be on the Exception Report. –This logic allows data entry errors to be caught in other collection periods (0-9) for mid-year retentions or advancements. »If e/w gap is greater than one day and there is no state w/d type, either the e/w dates need to be changed or a state w/d type added to the record.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports Standardized Transcript changes International Baccalaureate –Due to CSRS changes, the manner in which a course is marked as IB will change (August Standard Release) Previously the International Baccalaureate check box was selected. Now an IB code must be selected instead, using the Adv Placement button. –The International Baccalaureate checkbox will now be removed. –Transcript logic will continue to look for the checkbox only and also now look for an IB code.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports Standardized Transcript changes Online Help added for Additional State Requirements section –Added text and a chart in Section 14 called, “Determining Whether to Print a CAA Line or a CIA Line” Includes rules that apply in order to determine which line is printed, based on Test Scores (TWASL) and Educational Milestones.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy State Reports Standardized Transcript changes Entity 999 –Issue: Entry / Withdrawal records for an Entity cannot have overlapping Entry / Withdrawal dates. –Resolution: WSIPC is working with Skyward to create a new table (screen) for entering and storing entry/withdrawal data for Previous Schools Attended as required on the transcript. Scheduled for the December Standard Release.
WESPaC Student SMS Summer Academy Washington School Information Processing Cooperative Thank You!