International Baccalaureate Programs at B-CC Parent Information Meeting Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School December 2, 2014 Rachel Johns, Westland/NCC/CCES Middle Years Coordinator Meredith Mirkow, B-CC Middle Years Coordinator Ashton Palmer, Diploma Coordinator
What you need to know about the IB...
So what exactly is the International Baccalaureate? “... The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit foundation, motivated by its mission to create a better world through education”
...The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect...
...Our programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right....
IB learner profile The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century As IB learners we strive to be: inquirers knowledgeable thinkers communicators principled open-minded caring risk-takers balanced reflective
The IB Continuum
The Middle Years Programme Rachel Johns, Westland/NCC/CCES MYP Coordinator Meredith Mirkow, B-CC MYP Coordinator
Supported in English, French, Spanish and Chinese but can be taught in other languages The new MYP offers: greater flexibility for schools to combine the MYP with the requirements of national and state educational systems AND closer alignment across the IB continuum, offering an ideal preparation for students going on to study the IB Diploma Programme or the IB Career-related Certificate. Student study is supported by a minimum of 50 hours of instruction per subject group in each academic year. In years 4 and 5, students have the option to take courses from six of the eight subject groups, which provides greater flexibility. MYP projects provide students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the MYP. In schools that include MYP years 5, all students must complete the personal project. In programmes that include MYP years 4 or 5, schools may offer students the opportunity to do both the community project and the personal project. In schools that include MYP year 3 or 4, students must complete the community project. Schools can opt to have the IB validate their internal assessment and an MYP certificate can be obtained. T Teaching and learning in context. Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and the world that they have experienced. Using global contexts, MYP students explore human identity, global challenges and what it means to be internationally-minded. Conceptual understanding. Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. MYP students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine knowledge holistically.
The Curriculum Model MYP MCPS Language and Literature English/Reading Language Acquisition Spanish/French/Chinese Mathematics Math/Algebra/Geometry Individuals and Societies World Studies/US Hist./NSL Sciences Science/Biology/Chemistry PE/Health/Yoga/Net Sports Physical and Health Education Music, Art, Media Production, Theatre Arts Design Embedded (science and world studies)/Foundations of Technology
MYP assessment Continuous assessment Teachers organize continuous assessment in their courses, according to specified assessment criteria that correspond to the objectives of each subject group. The recording and reporting of individual levels of achievement are organized in ways that provide students with detailed feedback on their progress as it relates to the assessment criteria for each subject group.
IB MYP Progress Report New! The purpose of reporting MYP levels of achievement is to communicate students’ progress towards the achievement of the MYP objectives in each subject area. Students and parents will receive a progress report at the end of each semester which will document students’ achievement in each of the subjects in which he or she is enrolled. Student progress will be assessed using criteria established by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Communicating MYP Assessment Tasks/Scores Starting in middle school, an MYP Progress Report is being prepared for distribution… This will be phased in at the high school level in the coming years. Twice per year in February and June To each student Based on MYP criteria for each subject
8th Grade Exit Interviews All 8th grade students culminate their year with an authentic experience that allows students to practice their communication skills through engagement in the interview process. Students prepare themselves by: creating a resume organizing a work portfolio practicing interview etiquette with peers and teachers dressing to impress The learner profile video is an IB video that can be found on the IB public website (Contact us>Communicating the IB>IB learner profile) 14 14
Personal Projects MYP projects provide students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the IB MYP. MYP years 5, all students must complete the personal project. Each student develops a personal project independently, producing a truly personal and creative piece of work that stands as a summative review of their ability to conduct independent work. It is an out-of-class process that is undertaken in addition to a rigorous class load. Parent support and guidance are crucial.
The IB Continuum
The Diploma Programme Ashton Palmer, Diploma Coordinator
Over half a million graduates since 1970 Available in English, French, Spanish with examinations in May and November each year Diploma students take six subjects plus they write a 4,000 word extended essay, complete a course in theory of knowledge, and complete a number of creativity, action and service projects The diploma is well recognized by the world’s leading universities Alternatively, students can opt to take individual certificates in one or more subjects Many IB schools teach the Diploma Programme along-side national programmes The DP courses online project allows students to study a variety of Diploma subjects with other students from around the world led by an IB teacher and distance learning online
What are people saying about the Diploma Programme? “…It not only gives children an international perspective to their education, but also focuses on how to be a learner. I am not just delivering them facts but how they will best learn what they want to know…” - Sarah Pepper ISD Principal, Ireland. “ “...I have absolutely no doubt that the IB is better than the national curriculum. The breadth of subjects allows students to be much better prepared for life beyond school...” - Paul Coates, CAS coordinator and House Master, Sidcot International School, UK. “...Skills I learned through IB will continue to put me in good stead for the rest of my life. IB gave me the peace of mind and confidence in my abilities. University is still a lot of work, but I know no matter how high the bar is set, I will be able to make the jump...” - Lindsey Fielding Croft, former student at Park View Education Centre, Canada.