Seward Middle School Parent Meeting November 19 th, 2013 Kaisa Lee, School Counselor
Wednesday, November 20 th (TOMORROW NIGHT): Roosevelt High School Open 6:30 Hmong Language Specific 6:00 – 7:30 at Davis Center Thursday, November 21 st : South High School Open 6:30 Tuesday, December 3 rd : Spanish Language Specific 6:00 – 7:30 at Wilder Building Friday, December 6 th : Somali Language Specific 6:00 – 7:30 at Anne Sullivan School FEBRUARY 28 th, 2014 High School Applications DUE!
3 Student Placement Services 1250 W. Broadway Ave Minneapolis, MN Phone: Fax: Soua Yang Student Placement Coordinator Tiffany Miller Enrollment Generalist Nagashia Jackson Enrollment Generalist New Families Center 3345 Chicago Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN Phone: Fax: Martha Swanson New Families Center Coordinator Elsa Casiano Enrollment Generalist – Spanish Sharon Salgado Enrollment Generalist - Spanish Mohamed Ismail Enrollment Generalist – Somali Balqi Hersi Office Specialist Ryan Fair Director, Enrollment Management
Academic Focus Areas: 1. American Studies 2. Business Enterprise 3. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) 4. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) 5. Technology and Multi Media CITYWIDE Program: 1. Personal Care and Therapeutic Services Bilingual support in Somali, Spanish, and Hmong ZONE 1
Academic Focus Areas: 1. Project Lead The Way 2. Engineering (IBCC) 3. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) 4. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) 5. Liberal Arts College Preparatory Program (LACPP) Bilingual support in Hmong ZONE 1
Academic Focus Areas 1. Arts & Communications North Senior Academy (11-12) Academic Focus Areas 1.International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) Note: North is a CITYWIDE program and it also has an attendance area (elementary areas 1C and 1D). ZONE 1
Academic Focus Areas: 1. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) 2. Candidate International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) CITYWIDE Programs: 1. International Baccalaureate Career-related Certificate (IBCC) Emphasis: Health Careers, Automotive & Construction Bilingual support in Somali & Spanish ZONE 2
Academic Focus Area: 1. Liberal Arts CITYWIDE Programs: 1. All Nations 2. Open Please note that students who attend Barton and Marcy Open must select South Open as their first choice to take advantage of the pathway option. South will transition to Go-To Passes, fall 2013 for all its programs ZONE 2
Academic Focus Areas: 1. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) 2. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) Note: In an effort to provide an integrated learning environment, families who live in elementary school attendance areas 1B and 1C in north Minneapolis (north of Olson Memorial Highway, south of Dowling and west of the Mississippi River) and qualify for free/reduced priced lunch may choose to attend Southwest High School and receive transportation (see map). In the event that the number of students who choose the Expanded School Options program exceeds the number of spaces available, a lottery will be conducted to make student assignments. ZONE 3
Academic Focus Areas: 1. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) 2. Engineering &Technology Career Academy (PTLW) ZONE 3
1. Wellstone International School th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN Phone: (612) Fax: (612) FAIR School Downtown 10 South 10th Street Minneapolis, MN Phone: Fax: Minneapolis College Prep (Office of New Schools) 4. “The Choice is Yours” (Public Schools outside Minneapolis for MPS students) Call for more information. 5. MPS Online Online/Wilder Complex 3345 Chicago Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN Phone:
Click ‘High School Request’
1. Research your options and complete an online request form: – 1. Go live date: Mid-November 2. Guidebooks will be mailed to the homes of eighth- graders and distributed through their current school 3. Students may request up to three high schools or citywide programs 4. Return request forms directly to Student Placement Services – online or U.S. mail Must be postmarked on or before February 28, 2014
17 1 st Attendance Area Sibling 2 nd Attendance Area 3 rd Expanded School Options 4 th Out-of-Area Sibling 5 th Employee 6 th Attendance Zone 7 th Minneapolis Resident 8 th Open Enrollment
18 1 st Pathway 2 nd Sibling 3 rd Employee 4 th Under-represented Demographic 5 th Minneapolis Resident 6 th Open Enrollment
19 Edison: 118 first requests ~ 148 total placements Henry: 222 first requests ~ 255 total placements North: 30 first requests ~ 52 total placements All students who selected a Zone 1 school as a top request received placement Total placements include students who selected the school as a second or third request or were defaulted to their community school. Students are defaulted to their community school if they do not proactively make a request by the lottery deadline or if they do not get any of their top three requests.
20 South High: 226/343 students received placement to the community program (Liberal Arts) South Open: 162/196 = 82% of students received placement All pathway students (Barton and Marcy) who requested South Open as their first request received placement 40/40 students in Zone 1 got placed into South Open South All Nations: 27 first requests ~ 35 total placements Roosevelt:144 first requests ~ 263 total placements All students who requested Roosevelt received placement
21 Southwest: 401/652 = 61% of students received placement 44/84 = 52% of Expanded Options applicants received placement Washburn: 272 first requests ~ 375 total placements Only out of zone students with an additional priority were placed at Southwest or Washburn (e.g. sibling or employee preference)
22 Acceptance Letter Early April 2014 Formal Appeal Process – DEADLINE – April 20, 2014 Note: 12/53 = 22% of appeals approved for the school year
ALL high schools use Metro Transit for yellow school buses!
Student Go To PASS FREE Go-To Bus Cards for: Any student who is: inside attendance zone BUT outside the walking zone (2 mile radius) Students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch Any student who is a part of a Citywide program Students INSIDE walking zone and do not qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch can purchase a Go-To Bus Card for $40 per quarter (can choose quarter by quarter) Can use it anytime...even on weekends! (within city curfew)