GACE Assessments
Step 1: Registering for a MyPSC Account
Step 1: Registering for a MyPSC Account Be sure you use the full name on your valid id (not your UGA ID) card. For example, your Drivers License or Passport. Your MyPSC name must match exactly the ID you will use at the testing center for entrance to take the GACE.
Step 1: Registering for a MyPSC Account
Step 2: Update Profile/Name Change If your MyPSC name does not match your ID, you must complete a Name Change Form Update your mailing address, address, phone #, etc. Write down your PSC account # Applications.aspx
Steps 3: Choose Your Provider Click on the Program link in the menu bar Click Select UGA as your Program Provider Enter your 810# and click submit If you get a message saying contact your provider,
Step 4: Claim your program
Step 4: Claim/Confirm your program
Step 5: Assessments Page Click on Assessments link in the menu bar
Steps 6: Reason for Testing For Program Admissions (formerly Basic Skills), select #1 Undergrads select Option #2 as your reason for testing for a GACE content assessment MATs select #3
Step 7: Request Eligibility from UGA Click Select next to UGA Select an assessment Type YES in the blank Click Finish
Step 8: Eligibility Granted by UGA Candidates in traditional preparation programs who selected Reason to Test #2 are notified via when they are granted eligibility to test by their program provider. Notifications are sent to the addresses provided in their MyPSC account. Automatic eligibility will be granted for all examinees that take the Program Admission Assessment (formerly the Basic Skills Assessment).
Step 8: Eligibility Granted by UGA Automatic eligibility will be granted for candidates seeking admission to/enrolled in M.A.T.; M.Ed. that leads to certification; Certification Only; or Post-Baccalaureate program. Once a candidate passes all tests within the assessment in the initial preparation field, the candidate will be granted automatic eligibility to add appropriate additional teaching fields via testing.
Step 9: Register to take the GACE Online at Call (7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday-Friday)
UGA GACE Help: MyPSC: UGA Testing Center Information: GACE Testing Website: