KS at The John of Gaunt School
Reduces ‘drift’ Longer time to study the examined course allowing time for discovery & emersion Opportunity to alter direction if it is really needed (rarity)
KS2 CAT tests Current TP Feedback from staff Aspiration v’s realistic view
Core [English, maths, triple science, MFL, RE, PE, PSHE, ICT(Yr 9 only)] Option block A [MFL] Option block B [Range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Option block C [Range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Yr 11: Triple science Option block D: Early entry GCSE’s & BTEC’s Pathway 1 Core [English, maths, triple science or combined science, RE, PE, PSHE, ICT(Yr 9 only)] Option block A [Ebacc: MFL, humanities, computing & other GCSE’s/BTEC’s] Option block B [Triple science for the selected students & a range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Option block C [A range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Yr 11: Additional English, Maths, science or RE/PE/statistics Option block D: Early entry GCSE’s & BTEC’s Pathway 2 Core [English, maths, combined science, RE, PE, PSHE, ICT(Yr 9 only)] Option block A [Ebacc: Spanish, humanities, computing & other GCSE’s/BTEC’s] Option block B [A range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Option block C [A range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Yr 11: Additional English, maths, science or RE, PE,statistics Option block D: Early entry GCSE’s & BTEC’s Pathway 3 Core [English, maths, science, RE, PE, PSHE, ICT(Yr 9 only)] Option block A [A range of GCSE’s/BTEC’s] Option block B [Range of GCSE’s & BTEC’s] Option block C [Study skills] Option block D: ICT Pathway 4
“a broad core of subjects, ensuring that doors are not closed off in terms of future progression.” A*-C grades in… - English - Mathematics - 2 or more GCSEs in Science At least one of the following - Geography or History - Modern Foreign Language - Computing
Success will be measured on how well you perform over at least 8 subjects… - English & maths - At least 3 from: science, geography, history, languages or computing - 3 others Not just about gaining a C anymore… 4 levels of progress – ALL students being challenged!
CHOICE ACHOICE BCHOICE CCHOICE D (Yr9/10) French [GCSE] Triple Science [GCSE] Drama [GCSE]Art (BTEC) Spanish [GCSE]Art [GCSE or BTEC] Graphic design [GCSE] Citizenship [GCSE] Computing [GCSE] Business studies [GCSE] Geology [GCSE]Computing [GCSE] Food technology [GCSE] Child development [GCSE] History [GCSE] Food technology [GCSE] Geography [GCSE]Drama [GCSE]Music [GCSE] Geography [GCSE] Health & Social care [BTEC] French [GCSE]PE [GCSE/BTEC] ICT [GCSE] Resistant materials [GCSE] History [GCSE] Product design[GCSE] PE [GCSE/BTEC] Music [GCSE]Spanish [GCSE] Resistant materials [GCSE]
Subjects Aptitude / Attitude / Affinity Not about preferences of friends & family National picture in education & commerce Pathways Additional information about grouping Ebacc subjects Future learning & careers advice Thinking ahead to support option process