PARCC Scheduling Parameters, Considerations, and Options
Parameters The PARCC test windows are in the early and late spring. After the first window (Performance Based Assessment or PBA) ends, there is only 17 days until the opening of the second window (End-Of-Year or EOY). PBA – March 2-April 3 EOY – April 20 – May 15 These are the early window dates.
The Time Required UNIT/SESSION TIMES PBA Unit 1 PBA Unit 2 PBA Unit 3 EOY Unit 1 EOY Unit 2 GRADE 3 ELAUnit Time GRADE 3 MATHUnit Time75 GRADES 4-5 ELAUnit Time GRADES 4-5 MATH Unit Time GRADES 6-8 ELAUnit Time GRADES 6-8 MATH Unit Time GRADES 9-11 ELAUnit Time ALGEBRA I GEOMETRY MATH I, II Unit Time ALGEBRA II MATH III Unit Time Number of units PBA: All grades: 5 (3 ELA and 2 Math) EOY: Grades 3-5: 3 (1 ELA and 2 Math) Grades 6-11: 4 (2 ELA and 2 Math)
4 Grade of Student Mathematics Assessment Options for Additional Flexibility Pilot Options for 7 th grade Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) 8 8 th grade Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) 8 th grade Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) 9 Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) 10 Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III)
5 Grade of Student Mathematics Assessment Options for Additional Flexibility Pilot Options for Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) Algebra I Integrated I (Math I) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) 11* Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) Geometry Integrated II (Math II) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) 12** Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) Algebra II Integrated III (Math III) *No state assessment for those having completed instruction in the high school mathematics standards, typically through an Algebra II or Integrated III course in the prior year. These students may be engaged in advanced math instruction and take advanced placement or international baccalaureate exams. These students may also be participating in college concurrent enrollment. **No state assessment for those not enrolled in a math course addressing content covered in the above assessments. These students may be engaged in advanced math instruction and taking advanced placement or international baccalaureate exams. These students may also be participating in college concurrent enrollment.
Considerations The Computer based PARCC has a 20 day window The Paper based PARCC has a 10 day window This is for both the PBA and the EOY windows Unique accommodations (including text to speech for ELA) are due to CDE by Dec. 15 Scheduling the PARCC will be determined largely by your ability to test using computers
Considerations Does your school have enough computers to test every student at one time? Can you test at least 1 full grade level at a time? How many students in your high schools will be taking the Algebra 1 exam? Are you preparing your seniors taking Algebra 2 for the fact that they will test on math? Can your district handle the bandwidth necessary for numerous schools testing at one time? Are your computers ready to handle the software (Testnav 8)? Are your third graders taking paper or computer? (you may want to sit at the same table)
Considerations Will you test while other grades are attending class as normal? Will you stretch your testing out through the 20 days of the window? All 9-11 grade students will test in English Language Arts. All 9 th and 10 th graders must test on math. All juniors who are not already past Algebra 2 must test on math. All Seniors in Algebra 2 must test in math.
Are there issues to consider with transportation? Food service?
PBA Scheduling Question 1– When will you test?
Question 2 – How will you group your students?
Question 3 – Will you have class as normal or suspend classes?
Question 4 – How many testing sessions per day?
Question 5 – How will you handle Make-ups?
Question 6 – How will you handle unforeseen events?
Question 7 - ?? (can you think of any more?) ?? Issues to consider – EOY
EOY Scheduling Question 1– When will you test?
Question 2 – How will you group your students?
Question 3 – Will you have class as normal or suspend classes?
Question 4 – How many testing sessions per day?
Question 5 – How will you handle Make-ups?
Question 6 – How will you handle unforeseen events?
Question 7 - ?? (can you think of any more?) ??
Final thoughts