Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma PSE Session/Sesiwn : Element 4: Sustainable development Key issue 1: The links between society, the economy and the environment. Renewable & Sustainable energy.
Agenda: What is renewable and sustainable energy? Why do we need these? Types of renewable energy sources How we use these energy sources
Energy What is it? Look around you. Is anything moving? Can you hear, see or feel anything? YES - This is because something is making something happen, and most probably there is some power at work. This power, or ability to make something happen is what we call energy. It makes change possible.
Sustainable energy Sustainable energy is the sustainable provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
What is renewable energy? Generated from: Sunlight Water Wind Rain Tides Geothermal source Biomass sources
Why do we need these? Lack of non-renewable energy Coal years Fossil Fuel30-40 years Nuclear energy Long time, but low level of social acceptability
Why do we need these? Environmental problems Water pollution Air pollution Nuclear waste
Why do we need these? To avoid disasters
Types of renewable sources 1. Solar energy Comes from the sun To heat or light buildings, to generate electricity, to heat hot water Passive and Active solar energy The sun is free but the solar cells and other equipment are very expensive (reducing slowly) Varies with the season and weather
The problem with solar power? You need the sun.
Types of renewable sources 2. Wind power Windmills – to pump water or grind grain Wind turbines – to generate electricity World’s fastest growing energy technology 1% of the world’s electricity It requires big territories
What is bad? The wind does NOT always blow!
Types of renewable sources 3. Hydro power Uses water to power machinery or make electricity It gives 20% of the world’s electricity and 63% of the energy from renewable sources Hydroelectric energy, Micro hydro system, Damless hydro system, ocean energy
Recap: What is renewable and sustainable energy? Why do we need these? Types of renewable energy sources How we use these energy sources
PowerPoint Presentation: Working with the others in your group, research and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on your given forms of renewable energy to include: A description Examples of the renewable energy sources Pros and cons for the different energy types. To be presented to the rest of the class NEXT WEEK.