Submitting Your Program of Study for Approval CTEP Grant: Human Services Career Cluster at Camden County College October 19, 2011
CTEP Grant at Camden County College
“Well-trained and highly-skilled workers will be best positioned to secure high-wage jobs, thereby fueling American prosperity. Occupations requiring higher educational attainment are projected to grow much faster than those with lower education requirements, with the fastest growth among occupations that require an associate’s degree or a post- secondary vocational award. ” PREPARING THE WORKERS OF TODAY FOR THE JOBS OF TOMORROW A report of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers 2009
CTE and High School Redesign Research proves that CTE engages and motivates students by: offering them real-world learning opportunities leading to lower drop-out rates providing high wage opportunities for high school graduates These findings suggest that CTE should be an important aspect of a state’s broader high school redesign strategy’. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
New Vision of CTE The New Vision of CTE: Eliminates the previous focus only on sub- baccalaureate careers Focuses on preparation for employment AND postsecondary education Terminology changes from “Job” preparation to “Academic and Technical” Preparation Increases emphasis on technical skill proficiency leading to a degree, certificate, credentials. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
CTE Programs Must: Align with rigorous and challenging academic and achievement standards set forth in No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Ensure that postsecondary education is relevant and challenging Lead to High Skill, High Wage, or High Demand Occupations Address issues of dual enrollment and other types of credit acquisition. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Some Definitions CTE Participant: a secondary student who has earned credit in any CTE course. CTE Concentrator: a secondary student who has earned three (3) or more credits in two or more courses in a CTE program of study. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Concept of “Career Clusters” Career Clusters are groupings of occupations and industries with similar training. Career Clusters Career clusters provide the knowledge and skills students need as they follow a PATHWAY towards their career goal. A Career Pathway represents a grouping of occupations within a cluster based on commonalities.Career Pathway A Program of Study is the plan to get students from high school entry to success in careers and postsecondary education.Program of Study CTEP Grant at Camden County College
16 Career Clusters
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Types of Courses Foundational CTE : A course that could apply across all 16 clusters, taught by any certified CTE teacher. Core teacher could teach an employability course and the approved CTE teacher could count employability as part of his/her program of study. Cluster Course A course that could fit more than one pathway within a cluster. The skills taught in such a course would be applicable in all the pathways. Pathway Course A course particular to a specific pathway within a cluster. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
A Program of Study: Incorporates secondary education and postsecondary education elements; Includes coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with postsecondary education to adequately prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education; May include the opportunity for secondary education students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to acquire postsecondary education credits; and Leads to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Division of School and Community Academic Programs
GOAL: Quality Programs of Study “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” Author: William A. Foster CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Perkins IV – “Programs of Study” “State approved programs, which may be adopted by local education agencies and postsecondary institutions to be offered as an option to students when planning for and completing future coursework, for career and technical content areas.“ CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Program vs. Program of Study CTE Program Includes CORE and CTE content and courses. Primarily prepares students for entry-level job in a specific occupation or for further education. Is aligned with business and labor, and may incorporate postsecondary elements. Can lead to an industry- recognized credential or certificate at the secondary level. CTE Program of Study Includes CORE and CTE content and courses. Prepares students for postsecondary training, apprenticeships. postsecondary education, or a postsecondary field of study related to the program’s content. Course alignment that leads to Articulation Agreements for Dual/Concurrent Enrollment. Leads to an industry recognized credential or certificate at the secondary or postsecondary level or an associates or baccalaureate degree CTEP Grant at Camden County College
CTE Program of Study...a student view Secondary Academic & technical preparation Career development & guidance using an educational plan Postsecondary CTE Program of Study SELF-SUFFICIENCY & CAREER SUCCESS SELF-SUFFICIENCY & CAREER SUCCESS Seamless continuation from high school Career pathway to occupational preparation Community, employer & industry engagement
Implementing a Program of Study There are five basic areas of work in implementing a program of study. 1.Lay the groundwork 2.Assemble a Team 3.Design and Build 4.Implement the Program of Study--Make it Happen! 5.Evaluate CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Lay the Groundwork Ensuring the work within specific components are in place or have begun. ▫Specific components include the Policy and Procedures and Partnerships components. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Assemble a Team The Career Pathway Team includes core and CTE teachers; curriculum coordinators; counselors business and industry representatives; postsecondary partners; and administrators. ▫This team will first examine the policy and procedure component as a framework to begin working, adjusting if needed. ▫The team then will determine what pathway to develop first. ▫This team will examine local labor market data and determine the highest employment needs in the local community and region. The Team will partner with their postsecondary partners to assist in the selection of the pathway. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Design and Build Designing and building a Program of Study in a specific career pathway goes way beyond filling in a chart with existing coursework. ▫This is a platform for designing ideal POS pieces, assessing what is currently offered against what should be offered to truly prepare students for a successful career. ▫The POS implementation team will first analyze the knowledge and skill statements of each pathway to assess which education level the knowledge and skill are to acquired. These statements can be found on CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Implementing the POS Once a Program of Study is designed by the team, the next step is implementation involving engaging students in Career Pathways. At this point the important components to keep in mind are the School Counseling and Academic Advising; Teaching and Learning; and Professional Development. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Evaluate At this point the team has incorporated the accountability and evaluation component into the design of the Program of Study. ▫The team will also begin evaluating the impact of the POS on the designed accountability system. ▫The team also will plan for an evaluation system for continuous improvement. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
An “Approved” Program of Study... Identifies the courses in a career path Includes third party assessments to determine technical skills competencies are appropriate. Certifies that secondary and post-secondary advisory committees have worked together to: ▫align standards, benchmarks, and competencies ▫assure student “success” in the courses identified CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Getting Started
Program of Study Development Guide Step One: Using the Career Clusters found at website determine if your district’s current Curriculum Guide demonstrates the opportunity to “Create” a CTE program that can be APPROVED by the NJ DOE for Perkins IV funding. ▫This step requires that there is a sequence of THREE programmatically, academically rigorous courses that incorporate 21 st Century Skills as detailed at Step Two: Locate a CIP CODE for the CTE program that you will be moving forward in your CTE specialty area. CIP CODE selector is available at Step Three: Establish if there is a documented NEED for careers in this area of study. ▫WIB report and data that can be found at: e934f337f:NaF9?_flowExecutionKey=_cDB631E4E-AB A97C-96237F532184_k012F481C-0AF FF3-71FEEFB11F9D e934f337f:NaF9?_flowExecutionKey=_cDB631E4E-AB A97C-96237F532184_k012F481C-0AF FF3-71FEEFB11F9D
Program of Study Development Guide Step Four: Ensure that the selected sequence for your CTE Program, which ensures rigorous courses, contains all Knowledge & Skill Statements as identified by the Career Cluster and appropriate PATHWAY as found at Step Four: Crosswalk your CTE programs core competencies with the 21 st Century Skills—a helpful resource can be found at Step Five: Identify if there are opportunities to participate in the following ▫Structured Learning Experiences ▫Career and Technical Student Organizations
Program of Study Development Guide Step Six: Determine which Job Ready Assessment tool you will or can use to evaluate your CTE Program. ▫ A good reference can be found at Step Seven: Determine if there are opportunities for Postsecondary Partnerships and or connections. Will need to create articulation agreements. ▫Sample AgreementSample Agreement
What is an Articulation Agreement? “Articulate”- communication: the coherent expression of thoughts, ideas, or feelings. jointing: the connection of the different parts of something by joints, or the way the parts fit together. ▫According to those at College Board, articulation agreements state specific policies that are related to transferring credits and coursework between schools and are supposed to make it easier for students transferring from one institution to another. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
“Articulation Agreement” Written commitment agreed upon at the state level or approved ANNUALLY by lead administrators of secondary and postsecondary institutions or a sub-baccalaureate institution and a baccalaureate institution for a non- duplicative program sequence of progressive achievement leading to technical proficiency, credential, certificate or degree and linked through credit transfer agreements. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Why have Articulation Agreement? Articulation agreements promote the conversation between high schools and post-secondary schools in order to identify common curricular objectives. Articulation agreements allow high school elective coursework to be accepted for credit within a specific college major at a specific institution. Enrolling in high school courses that have been defined by articulation agreements, gives students a head start on completing a postsecondary program of study. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Role of Articulation Agreements Programs of Study can link to and build on articulation agreements and tech prep programs. Program of Study requires a secondary and postsecondary sequence of non-duplicative instruction leading to a degree, certificate or credential. Scope of a Program of Study should be broader than a specific occupation CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Articulation Agreement Procedures 1.Letter of intent from High School District to the College. 2.Faculty from both institutions review syllabus, textbook, tests, projects and assignments for similarities in competencies and rigor of courses for articulation. 3.Course alignment is determined and agreement between both institutions is signed. 4.Faculty from both institutions meet throughout academic year to share resources to ensure course content and delivery. 5.Agreement is renewed annually by both parties. CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Submitting the Application
CTEP Grant at Camden County College
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” (Confucius, 500 BC)
CTEP Grant at Camden County College
Division of School and Community Academic Programs