Instructions for Graduating Seniors Commencement April 30 – May 2, 2010
No regalia needed Sit with whomever you wish, wherever you wish. Platform party – meet at steps, left side of platform by 7:41 p.m. Friday, April 30 Consecration Service 8:00 p.m. Collegedale Church
Saturday, May 1 Chattanooga Convention Center Sabbath School – 10 a.m. – 11:Sharp –Student led –Platform party meet at steps, left side of platform by 9:36 a.m. Baccalaureate – 11:30 AM –No regalia required –Sit wherever you want –Sit with whomever you want. Platform party – –meet at steps, left side of platform by 11:11 a.m.
Sunday, May 2 Commencement Chattanooga Convention Center –8:30 AM – Put on regalia + line up in proper order Line up in Convention Center, south-side corridor located beside exhibit hall A Plan on at least one hour to drive to the center and find parking –Set as many alarms as you think you will need Procession will begin at 9:30 sharp
Entering the Exhibit Hall (The Grand Entrance) Professor Peter Cooper = The Grand Marshal –Platform Party –Faculty Grand Marshal (Grand Marshal returns for seniors) –Class Officers (two-by-two) –Southern Scholars (two-by-two) –Baccalaureate Degree graduates (two-by-two) –All other candidates (two-by-two) Associates Masters Guests Grand Marshal returns for Golden Anniversary Class (50-year alumni) at rear entrance.
Back Service Corridor Graduate Line Up 13 th Street (South Side) Corridor Main Front Hallway Public Entry
Receiving your Diploma Stand by rows, move to the left On way to stairs, pause for 1 st photograph 1st in row proceed to top of stairs, 2 nd in row proceed to middle stair, 3rd in row proceed to front of stairs. Move to these positions in turn. Names announced. If you are not the person called, shake your head, and we will say “In Absentia”. Wait until your name is called. Walk at a natural pace across the platform
Receiving your Diploma - Continued Southern Scholars – stop by Dr. Young to receive your medallion Proceed to Dr. Bietz Diploma in left hand above your right hand Smile for photographer (2 nd photograph) Shake hands with Gordon Retzer chair of the Board, receive Bible Pause for 3 nd photograph at bottom of stairs Back to your chair + sit down
Exiting the Exhibit Hall Benediction Grand Marshal - mace - platform party Faculty Sponsors will dismiss rows. Each row will march out two-by-two. Exit the exhibit hall to the lobby area. Keep moving to the designated area for your major. Meet your families and faculty there.
Rules and Your Self-Respect No non-academic embellishments –Flowers, $$, signs, etc. ≠ appropriate –SAU dress code applies for a few more hours Appropriate clothing / shoes with robe Honor Cords – pick up before noon at Records
Rules and Your Self-Respect Ask your family not to act too surprised when you receive your diploma –Air horns prohibited –Silly string or confetti prohibited –Hooting & hollering ≠ good (Your family will not hear your name read) Gifts & flowers afterwards Photos afterwards