Performance Management Process
CHANGES NO enrollment targets (ex – Masters) sub- goals for SEEK & ESL student performance Math, Reading, Writing remediation etc. Grades on Eng. Comp., gateway Math, CLA job placement or credentialed teacher goals SAT or CAA admission goals Friday, eve, weekend, online targets
Three Levels of Goals University Goals (8) Sector Goals (1-3) College Goals (3-5)
University Goals FT Faculty Percentage of instruction taught by FT faculty Ratio of student FTEs to FT Faculty Faculty Scholarship & Research # of publications & creative activities (3 yr rolling avg.) # of funded research grants Total dollar amt. of research grants (3 yr. rolling avg.)
University Goals Timely Progress Towards Degree Completion Avg. # of credits (equated credits) earned in one year Percentage of students who earn 30 credits (eq.) in one year One year retention rate of first time freshmen (actual and regression adjusted) Graduation Rates Four-year graduation rate of FTF (actual & regression adjusted) Six-year graduation rate
University Goals Student Satisfaction with Academic & Student Support Services Student Satisfaction with Administrative Services Even years: Colleges report on policies, practices & activities intended to increase student satisfaction Odd years: Noel-Levitz SSI
University Goals Increase Revenues Voluntary contributions (3 yr. weighted rolling avg.) Grants & Contracts (3 yr. weighted rolling average) Alternative revenues (rentals, ACE etc.) (3 yr. weighted rolling average) Use Financial Resources Efficiently & Prioritize Spending on Direct Student Services Increase spending on instruction, research, student services as a % of tax-levy budget Maintain adequate percentage of budget in reserve
Sector Goals Senior Colleges Faculty Satisfaction - COACHE Enrollment in Master’s Programs Total enrollment # of New Students One Year retention
Sector Goals Community Colleges Remediation Pathways Percentage of students fully proficient by end of first year Transfer to Baccalaureate Programs Percentage of FTF transferring in six years Transfer rate of AA/AS grads to any baccalaureate program Mean first semester g.p.a. of transfers from CC’s Pass Rates on Licensing Exams
College Focus Area Goals Broad consultation including elected faculty governance Three to five goals with stated outcomes where progress (qualitative or quantitative) can be measured
Sample College Goals Increase access to online/web enhanced courses Indicator: # of sections Indicator: FTE enrollment Increase opportunities for undergraduates to engage in _______(research, fieldwork, internships) Indicator: Number of student participants in _______ Partnerships with area businesses, organizations etc. Number of available openings for students in ________
Next Steps Examine PMP On CUNY website search PMP for individual results On CUNY website search IR – Accountability for complete University Report Ask on Campus for Noel Levitz COACHE Campus Level Surveys (e.g.Student Satisfaction) Meet with President to discuss results and identify goals for
Resources and the PMP Understand College Resources Identify Discretionary Funds OTPS Compact Tech Fees Determine Faculty Participation in Funding Decisions Recognize Relationship Between Resource Allocation and PMP