HB 555 Revises benchmarks for Indicators Met and Performance Index to 90% for A Raises performance proficiency benchmark to 80% for SY Moves social studies assessment from grades 5 and 8 to grades 4 and 6
CHANGES IN ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM Phased –in letter grade system under which districts and schools are assigned letter grades based on various performance indicators Adds honors diplomas and industry credentials to report card measures Groups report card measures into components: - Achievement - Graduation - Gap Closing (replaces AYP) - Progress - K-3 Literacy Progress - Prepared for Success (replaces College & Career Ready)
GRADED REPORTED Letter grade for each of the performance measures: 1. Gap Closing Annual measurable objectives (AMO) to determine if district/building is making AYP in closing achievement gaps 2. Achievement Performance Index (PI) Performance Indicators 3. Graduation 4 (93%) & 5 (95%) year cohort graduation rates Separate and independent measure 4. Progress Overall score under the value-added progress Value-added score for disaggregated groups (gifted, students with disabilities & students in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis) Letter grade for each of the performance measures: 1. Gap Closing Annual measurable objectives (AMO) to determine if district/building is making AYP in closing achievement gaps 2. Achievement Performance Index (PI) Performance Indicators (80%/85%- 11th) needed to meet indicator) 3. Graduation 4 (93%) & 5 (95%) year cohort graduation rates Separate and independent measure 4. Progress Overall score under the value- added progress Value-added score for disaggregated groups (gifted, students with disabilities & students in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis) 5. Kindergarten through third-grade Prepared for Success National standardized test participation rate and remediation-free percentage(never graded only included) Advanced Placement participation rate and test scores Dual enrollment program participation rate Honors diploma Industry credentials
GRADEDREPORTEDGRADED Letter grade for each of the performance measures: 1. Gap Closing Annual measurable objectives (AMO) to determine if district/building is making AYP in closing achievement gaps 2. Achievement Performance Index (PI) Performance Indicators 3. Graduation 4 (93%) & 5 (95%) year cohort graduation rates Separate and independent measure 4. Progress Overall score under the value- added progress Value-added score for disaggregated groups (gifted, students with disabilities & students in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis; to receive an “A” minimum subgroup of “B” needed ) 5. Kindergarten through third-grade literacy rate Prepared for Success National standardized test participation rate and remediation-free percentage (never graded only included) Advanced Placement participation rate and test scores Dual enrollment program participation rate Honors diploma Industry credentials International Baccalaureate participation rate and test scores Letter grade for each of the performance measures: 1. Gap Closing Annual measurable objectives (AMO) to determine if district/building is making AYP in closing achievement gaps 2. Achievement Performance Index (PI) Performance Indicators 3. Graduation 4 (93%)& 5 (95%) year cohort graduation rates Separate and independent measure 4. Progress Overall score under the value-added progress Value-added score for disaggregated groups (gifted, students with disabilities & students in the lowest quintile for achievement on a statewide basis) High School value-added progress measure 5. Kindergarten through third-grade literacy rate 6. Prepared for Success National standardized test participation rate and remediation-free percentage (never graded only included) Advanced Placement participation rate and test scores Dual enrollment program participation rate Honors diploma Industry credentials International Baccalaureate participation rate and test scores College and career- ready assessment results
KEY DATES April 30, 2013: State Board must adopt rules describing the performance measures, benchmarks and grading system to be used for SY June 30, 2013: State Board must adopt rules prescribing the benchmarks and grading methods for only the performance measures that are assessed and graded for the SY December 31, 2013: State Board must adopt rules prescribing the benchmarks and grading methods for the disaggregated value-added progress dimension assessed and kindergarten through 3 rd grade literacy progress July 1, 2014: State Board must adopt prescribing criteria for acceptable industry credentials State Board must develop a measure of student academic progress for high school students State Board permitted to adopt rules establishing different percentages to begin with the SY