Study Pathways
OUR CURRICULUM Lots of experiences in years Teaching methods focused on personalisation and progress. Pathways with a degree of choice and direction offered to maximise progress & future possibilities in KS4.
CURRICULUM IN YEAR 9 Start exam work in English, Maths, Science, Technology. Finalise Study Pathway for years 10/11.
CURRICULUM IN YEARS 10 & 11 Begin Study Pathways. Curriculum contains academic and vocational choices. GCSEBTEC Cambridge Nationals Learning for Life and Core PE Examined 2017
CURRICULUM IN YEARS 10&11 Core Options Other En=8Ma=7Sc=10 PE = 4L for L = Total A=5 B=5 C=5 D=5
THE WIDER CURRICULUM Extra Curricular Educational Visits New York Europe Local Drama Music Sports Study Support Subject clubs Leadership opportunities Personal Development
OUR PRINCIPLES To maximise progression from Year 11. To encourage students to be aspirational in their thinking. Offering choice to ensure that personal interests can be pursued where possible. Minimising timetable constraints.
WE WANT TO HELP YOU.... To help you get onto the best possible courses in To have the maximum amount of choice when you do this. To have a set of qualifications which will have the maximum amount of respect from employers, universities and colleges.
Our job is to work with you to get you the MAXIMUM that you are capable of achieving
A PATHWAY IS.... A collection of courses that will allow each student to enter the next phase of education after Year 11 with the best possible qualifications. All pathways contain English, Mathematics Science and Humanities qualifications.
ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE ACADEMIC PATHWAY English, Maths, Double or Triple Science, Core PE, Learning for Life Choice of Language (French or German) History or Geography Plus choice of other 2 This route will provide maximum academic challenge and an excellent route through to 'A' Levels and Higher Education.
Typically a Student Might Leave With.... Triple Science GCSE Product Design GCSE Geography GCSE French GCSE Art GCSE Maths GCSE English GCSE ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE English Lit GCSE
ACADEMIC PATHWAY English, Maths, Double Science, Core PE, Learning for Life Choice from one History or Geography Plus a choice of 3 other qualifications. This route will provide a very good route through to 'A' Levels and then Higher Education or employment with a very good range of GCSE subjects.
Typically a Student Might Leave With.... Double Science GCSE C-Nat Business Enterprise Geography GCSE Art GCSE Maths GCSE English GCSE BTEC Construction Academic Pathway English Lit GCSE
Boys’ subjects and Girls’ subjects
We, as parents, tend to recommend……
Russell Group Universities University of Manchester Newcastle University University of Nottingham University of Oxford Queen Mary University of London Queen's University Belfast University of Sheffield University of Southampton University College London University of Warwick University of York University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University Durham University University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Glasgow Imperial College London King's College London University of Leeds University of Liverpool LSE
If I choose to study a BTEC can I still go to a Russell Group university? "Some of our universities consider vocational qualifications like BTECs in certain circumstances. However, for many courses they are not considered suitable preparation. Where BTECs are accepted, it is likely that you will be required to achieve very high grades, for example three Distinctions. You may also be required to have studied the BTEC in combination with other qualifications such as A-levels at Key Stage 5."
Basically.... If you think that you might take an 'A' Level in that subject into the future then you are usually better off studying it as a GCSE as it will prepare you well for that pathway.
For Students to Consider: How ambitious are you? Where you have options subjects to choose – what will they be? What might you want to study in the Sixth Form or at College? Don’t make a choice now that will rule you out of something in the future.
THE ADVICE WE HAVE GIVEN STUDENTS: You have been given some careers guidance websites to visit. You can speak with your tutor You can speak with older students in Years 10 and 11 Your parents will be able to help
NEXT STEPS Please submit your choices by Friday 6 th February Support is available from Heads of House, subject teachers, the careers adviser and tutors
WELLSWAY CURRICULUM Academic Development Personal Development Pastoral Care Happy & Successful People Simon White (Head of School), David Cooper (Deputy Headteacher)