New Horizons Making College a Reality!
New Horizons an academic support program at Lowell High School conducted by University of Massachusetts Lowell
Funded by: Ronald McNair/MEOP and University of Massachusetts Lowell
Mission Statement To provide academic support services to economically disadvantaged first generation college bound Lowell High School students who are preparing for admissions to bachelor degree programs at 4-year colleges and universities. To provide academic support services to economically disadvantaged first generation college bound Lowell High School students who are preparing for admissions to bachelor degree programs at 4-year colleges and universities..
Overview of New Horizons A UMass Lowell and LHS Partnership New Horizons Horizons provides academic support services to first-generation-college-bound students, many of whom are underrepresented and overcoming economic, language and cultural barriers. Students must be: First First generation to attend college; Eligible Eligible for SAT fee waivers waivers and free or reduce-priced lunches lunches; Preparing Preparing for admission to baccalaureate degree program at 4-year colleges; Exploring Exploring careers in the sciences, technology, engineering, or math fields;. Willing Willing to improve improve math, science, and English language skills; Preparing Preparing to take take the PSAT, SAT I, SAT II and ACCUPLACER; Overall goal is to empower students to take charge of their education to become lifetime learners.
New Horizons students prepare for college admissions by: –U–Utilizing tutors and teachers to improve academics and college readiness –R–Registering, preparing for and taking the college placement tests –R–Reviewing GPA calculations and high school course requirements –E–Exploring career and college options –D–Developing resumes for colleges and scholarships –R–Requesting teacher recommendations –R–Refining essay writing skills for college/scholarship applications –C–Completing college and scholarship applications –C–Completing CSS Profile and FAFSA applications –R–Reviewing college acceptance letters and financial aid awards
New Horizons Class OBJECTIVE: Students manage time to prepare for admissions to 4-year colleges. Work with UMass Lowell Staff to improve math, science, reading, and writing skills. Prepare for the PSAT, SAT, and ACCUPLACER. Explore careers and colleges via the internet. Explore baccalaureate degree programs at colleges in and around Massachusetts. Write essays for college and scholarship applications. Complete college applications during the fall of senior year of high school. Complete college financial aid forms i.e. FAFSA, CSS Profile, and scholarships. Volunteer for career-related internships in the Lowell community. Explore 4-year colleges via college fairs, open houses and campus tours.
Using New Horizons Class Webpage Students & Staff can access college prep information such as: Course requirements for graduation from Lowell High School. Course requirements for admissions to most 4-year colleges. Career exploration activities and websites. Resume and essay writing guides for college portfolio. College admissions standardized tests prep websites. Virtual college tours of Massachusetts colleges and universities. Free financial aid websites (FAFSA, CSS Profile, scholarships) Free safe internet websites to become lifetime learners, and so much more…
Who can benefit from this website? Students can access this website from school and home and hopefully share it with parents, siblings, and friends. Parents can access it from home and work to gain valuable information about college admissions & financial aid processes. Teachers can access the website for relevant college prep information to use with students in their classrooms. Guidance Counselors can use and share this website with students & parents. But most importantly… New Horizons Students and Staff can access college preparatory information.
Use the Navigator to go to valuable information to prepare for college. WWWW eeee llll cccc oooo mmmm eeee to New Horizons Academic Support Services DDDD rrrr iiii vvvv eeee rrrr ssss W W W W aaaa nnnn tttt eeee dddd Destination College MMMM eeee mmmm bbbb eeee rrrr ssss hhhh iiii pppp Many Cultures… One Future! SSSS uuuu mmmm mmmm eeee rrrr I I I I nnnn ssss tttt iiii tttt uuuu tttt eeee Remedial Workshops CCCC aaaa rrrr eeee eeee rrrr ssss Map Your Future CCCC oooo llll llll eeee gggg eeee ssss Shop for the Right College CCCC oooo llll llll eeee gggg eeee P P P P rrrr eeee pppp Learn the Language! CCCC oooo llll llll eeee gggg eeee P P P P llll aaaa cccc eeee mmmm eeee nnnn tttt T T T T eeee ssss tttt ssss What you need to succeed! FFFF iiii nnnn aaaa nnnn cccc iiii aaaa llll A A A A iiii dddd Apply…Apply…Apply! $$$ AAAA ssss ssss iiii gggg nnnn mmmm eeee nnnn tttt ssss Use Your Time to Improve Your Mind! GGGG oooo oooo gggg llll eeee Help is only a click away!
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