The Victorians Written by: Sarfraz
Contents Page Schools…1/6 Work…7/11 Clothing…12/13 Leisure…14/17
Schools Most schools had a school log book. This book also kept any punishments or any rewards. This book also kept when the children came late to school or early or on their normal time. 1
Milton House Public School This school use to belong to Mr Brown for any orphans or any ragged children who had no house. Mr Brown made this school for orphans and for rich children. 2
Year 1881: April 8th One death during week from Fever. Every member of Craig family ill with Fever and removed to hospital. 3
May 6th Margaret Luke died on Monday (Class 6th) May 13th Universally large number of Truants. Parents of found summoned before the School Board tomorrow. 4
November 25th Mrs Ferguson moved to a new street and ordered her daughter to wash her head. Later, has a bandage on her head. Year 1882: December 25th Work as above - no intervals per time table
Year 1896: December 11th As the weather is still very cold and many of the children are barefooted and poorly clad, we intend working without ordinary interval, as above, for some time. 6
Work The work in times was harsh.The children were often sent to work when they were 11 because the people thought that it was enough for them to learn and they were old enough to start work. This is apicture of a boy who is 11and got a job of an chimney sweeper. HOW SAD! 7
David Pyrah, age 11, 3/5/1842 I am going 11. As I am going 11,I have started work already in farmer roberton’s field because he said that if I start working now he’ll give me more money like 20 shillings a day. But now that I am 11, he only gives me 10 shillings a week. THAT;S MY LIFE! 8
Sarah Ann Roberts (11) I been so wet that I’ve taken off my clothes and hung them up to dry.what a hard job for me to do because I had to take off the wheat, mash it up and do all the other work. I’m 11 to so I got kicked out of school to do work. I GOT A HARD LIFE! 9
The children who worked in factories had really hard jobs. They had to repair broken threads. OW! IT HURT!. 11
Clothing In victorian times, poor victorian children had to wear ragged clothes [ripped clothes] but the rich children could wear any clothes because they were rich and they had a lot of money so they could buy new clothes. 12
Rich people like this one here always wore clothes like these because like I told you before they had a lot of money so hey cold buy anything they want to. 13
Leisure Hopscotch Rules Hopscotch is a popular game which children often play in schools or they sometimes play on the street. They would often use chalk or use a stone to draw on the floor. 14
You can either play alone or with a group of friends. We have used a hopscotch board with 8 squares. Draw the hopscotch board onto the ground with piece of chalk (ask permission). You can also use masking tape to do this. 15
Girls and boys would often play with iron hoops which they found. They would often roll them down the road or street. 16
Rich victorian girls played with skipping ropes. The poor girls just played with odd bits of ropes which had no handles. 17