©Victorian Law Reform Commission This presentation does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon. Legal advice should be sought for all matters raised in this presentation.
Our approach Inclusive: law reform involves the community Innovative: new law reform and community consultation techniques Independent: not part of the political process
Community Law Reform – what is it? Function in Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (s 5(1) (b): “to examine, report and make recommendations to the AG on any matter that the commission considers raises relatively minor legal issues that are of general community concern if the commission is satisfied that the examination of the matter will not require a significant deployment of resources available to the commission”
Community Law reform- what is it? Section 5 (1) (c) gives commission power to: “to suggest to the AG that a proposal or matter relating to law reform in Victoria be referred to the commission by the AG”
CLR – the way we conceptualise it Based on our legislative functions and talking to lots of community groups we developed a strategy in Our strategic focus for this year is to – Consolidate the renewed focus on CLR; – Promote and coordinate law reform; – Internal capacity building; – Evaluate results; and – Maximise community engagement
CLR Aims The strategy identifies the aim of CLR as being: The Community Law Reform (CLR) program aims to enhance community participation in the law reform process. In particular, CLR aims to promote access for people and groups not traditionally involved in law reform.
CLR Objectives: Broad based community involvement in law reform Translation of community ideas for law reform into credible, well researched reports and recommendations Positive reception by government of CLR reports and recommendations Implementation of CLR proposals into law
CLR Criteria The area in which the law applies The scope of the community law reform project The amount of community consultation that will be needed to fully consider the issue. The law reform proposal’s likely public benefit. Community involvement. The prospects of success for the reform proposal. The resources and time needed to undertake the community law reform project. Avoiding duplication.
Completed Projects Failure to Appear in Response to Bail Residential Tenancy Databases Assistance Animals
Current Project Independent Persons in police interviews with young people
Is our Strategy right? Current focus on discreet projects. Realistically only feasible to do one a year Should CLR program develop different approaches that form part of its strategy that will assist the community and policy sector? Any ideas?
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