NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine National Coroners’ Data Collections: Developments at the international, national and local level Jessica Pearse NCIS Manager
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Overview International –What other countries are developing/ contemplating re: coroners data collections National –Recent NCIS initiatives & data uses with a national impact Local –Provision of localised mortality data –Use by individual coroners
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine The International Perspective EXISTING SYSTEMS Australia (NCIS) 1998/99 –National Coroners Information System USA (NVDRS) 2002 –National Violent Death Reporting System Canada (CCMED) 2004 –Canadian Coroners’ and Medical Examiners Database New Zealand 2007 –Initial collection occurring from 1 July 2007
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Potential Future Systems Japan –University of Tokyo –For medical adverse events –Review of LCMS & NCIS Northern Ireland –Visit by Vic State Coroner & VIFM Deputy Director in 2007 –Visit from Belfast Coroner in September 2007 UK –A few UK coroners have access –Fatal Facts on England and Wales Coroners Web Site
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Comparing Existing Systems SystemRegionsData collection scope Status NCIS 8/8All reported deaths – July 2000 Fully implemented NVDRS 17/50Homicides & suicides - Jan 2003 Partially implemented CCMED 4/13All reported deaths – Jan 2005 Pilot NZ 16/16All reported deaths – July 2007 Commenced
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine International Collaboration New Zealand –Access & training on NCIS for NZ coroners –Use of same classification systems –Review of LCMS Canada –Visit by NCIS Manager in November 2007 –Meeting with Steering Committee and Chief Coroner of Ontario –Pilot funding ends in March 2008 –Lessons learned from the Australian experience
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Future international developments Joint Aus/Canada presentation at World Injury Prevention Conference, March 2008, Mexico Upload of NZ data into NCIS Assessment of Canadian system for possible data exchange Access to NCIS by all full time UK coroners? Encourage any new international systems to use similar classification scheme.
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine The National Perspective Missing Persons National Awareness/Safety Campaigns NCIS Strategic Plan
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Missing Persons National Missing Persons Database –Attended workshop for dbase specs –Liaison with CrimTrak and AFP about use of unidentified remain details on NCIS Unidentified Remain Details to Police –CD sent to all missing person police units around Australia containing unidentified remains on the NCIS (bi-annually) Height, weight, gender, age, ethnicity, clothing, hair & eye colour, any ID marks.
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine National Safety Campaigns Fires – House Fire Safety Booklet (2007) Launched by Federal Parliamentary Secretary to Treasurer, June 2007 NCIS data showed 840 deaths over 5 years due to fire – Mandatory manufacturing standard for self extinguishing cigarettes (2006) Agreement by all Emergency Services Ministers Based on NCIS data which showed average 11 cigarette related fire deaths per annum Working safely under vehicles (2005) Launched by Federal Minister for Health and Ageing NCIS data showed 19 deaths over 4 years
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine NCIS Strategic Plan Covers next 5 years ( ) Developed with key stakeholder input Key elements include: –Dedicated data entry resources at each coroners office –Dedicated research officers at each coroners office for standard NCIS searches –Development of Coroners Web Resource site –National Drugs Module and Police Form implementation –Proactive production of aggregate mortality data
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine The Local Perspective (1) Localised mortality data –Geo-coding of residential, incident & death address to specific boundary tags i.e. SLA and SD 2005/06 address data geo-coded –Usage examples: SA Suicide rates by SD – $2.2 mill in fed govt funding for mental health resources for remote SA Victoria Police –youth suicides & deaths –identifying trend patterns (suicides from residents of Inner Melb in outer Melb bushland)
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine The Local Perspective (2) Use by individual coroners –Eleven (11) references to NCIS data in coroners findings in 2006/07 – Rock fishing recommendations & industry collaboration joint inquests concerning rock fishing fatalities Examined previous cases, locations & circumstances Made recommendations and worked with Life Saving Victoria Public Awareness Campaign & trial use of Angel Ring Life Buoys & trial workshop/seminar scheduled for near future
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
NATIONAL CORONERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (NCIS) Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Questions?