Life During the Victorian Era
Your Task View the images with your partner. You do not have to take any notes, you can discuss together! You will: – Make inferences about what class the people in the pictures belong to. – Apply what you read in the nonfiction articles to the pictures. – Have a visual image of what life was like and what people looked like during the Victorian Era.
Why are you viewing a painting, not a picture? What class does this lady belong to? What do you think she is in that class?
What class are these people members of? What leads you to believe it?
What class is this person a member of? What leads you to believe it? What do you think her job is? Why?
What class are these people members of? What leads you to believe it? What do you think life is like for them?
What class are these people members of? What leads you to believe it? What do you think life is like for them?
What class are these people members of? What leads you to believe it? What do you think life is like for them?
What does this boy do for a living? How old do you think he is? Why is he working?
Find Your Own Images! Go to Google and do an image search. Type in “Victorian Children.” Closely examine at least two other images. – What class of people do the people belong to? – What do you think their life is like? – What other generalizations can you make about them?