Victorian Literary Events
The Main Events Believed they lived in a time of change. They were correct. Victoria’s long reign was during period of relative political and social stability. Many were the results of previous conditions
Sonnets from the Portuguese.1846 Dead Souls The Dial.1840 “The Fall of the House of Usher “ 1840 Oliver Twist
Blackwood’s Magazine 1857 “Ain’t I a Woman” 1851 The Scarlet Letter 1850 War and Peace 1869
Les Miserables 1862 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1900 Sherlock Holmes, A study of Scarlet 1887 Huckleberry Finn 1884
January 22, 1901 Queen Victorian died at the age of 81 She was succeeded by her son, Edward VII. This ended the Victorian Era.