Neos Zavrou AOD Sector Reforms
THE PROBLEM – 108+ AOD service providers Poor quality data Many barriers Poor service integration Inadequate funding Limited performance management 2011 Victorian Auditor General Report
SOLUTION (Victorian Government): Re-commission *all* AOD Services 30+ service types 6 functions 16 Catchments 2014 : Adult (16+) community-based services 2015 : Residential & Youth services Activity-based funding model Place-based, integrated services
Catchment Based Planning Intake & Assessment Counselling Care & Recovery Non Residential Withdrawal Residential Withdrawal Residential Rehab Youth Services Service Streams
Prioritise complex & most in need Catchment-based Intake & Assessment Screening Mandated Complexity Tool Identifies those ready for treatment & substance dependence Mandated Assessment Tool Drug use Risk Physical & mental health issues Legal Financial Employment Housing Family & social relationships Strengths & supports Treatment Plan
ASSIST Records substances used & risky / harmful use
AUDIT Used to identify dependent alcohol use
DUDIT Used to identify dependent use of drug(s) other than alcohol
Kessler 10 (K10) Used to determine presence and severity of psychological distress
AOD Supported Accommodation now part of CRC CRC treatment stream = seamless & integrated care for most complex clients Transitional housing only for eligible CRC clients – i.e. assessed as complex & with treatment have stabilised AOD use e.g.: Exiting Residential Rehabilitation Post AOD counselling and/or similar + CRC support + significant reduction in AOD use & risk behaviours + no access to stable accommodation
Complexity = Homelessness, housing, employment and mental health (psychological distress): The sector has been reformed to prioritise your clients
Get to know…. your catchment based Intake & Assessment Provider May provide a CRC worker May offer screening & assessments at your sites Your staff can use the tools speed the process your local AOD treatment providers May offer counselling and non residential withdrawal at your sites Can reassess client complexity and reclassify clients even after referral
Who is doing catchment planning in your area? Tell them about your clients & their families: o Identified minority/language groups o Specific needs not met by AOD services o Concerns about identified drugs o Resources / ideas your service has or is aware of Ask to be part of the Advisory Group