Reintegration puzzle conference June 2010 Sarah Niblock, Senior Disability Advisor, Disability Forensic Assessment and Treatment Services, Victoria Image zone
Young People With a Disability in the Victorian Youth Justice System: Ensuring a Collaborative Approach Reintegration Puzzle Conference 2010 Sarah Niblock 24 June 2010
Senior Disability Adviser (SDA) – : a Collaboration Aims: to build capacity of youth justice and disability client services staff to effectively respond to the needs of young people with a disability involved in the youth justice system with a focus on youth justice custodial facilities. Also focuses on strengthening and supporting collaboration between Disability Services and Youth Justice throughout the case management process. Funded by Disability Services and Youth Justice (Victoria) State-wide role and ongoing since 2008
Client Group is all young people involved with the youth justice system in Victoria who have a registered disability Works with a variety of agencies Works at Parkville Youth Justice Precinct and Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre Based at and managed by the Disability Forensic Assessment Treatment Service (DFATS) Reports to a high level of departmental interface committee Contributes to broader disability, youth justice and youth justice custodial policy and service planning Governance
Secondary consultation to youth justice staff. Staff development for YJCC staff and Disability Client Services staff. Building knowledge of YJCC staff about Disability, supports and services, and provision of resources. Establish effective networks between regional disability services, youth justice, youth custodial, education and health services. Assist with joint case planning, exit planning for young people in custody, including advising on individual behaviour management strategies. Promotion of protocol between Youth Justice and Disability Client Services Key activities
The role has continued to evolve within a context of legislation, practice and policy developments Revised Protocol between Disability Services and Youth Justice (2009) –Joint and individual responsibilities at difference stage of contact with justice system –key collaboration points: assessment, identification of supports and services, and information sharing –Co-signing of parole plans developed by Youth Justice before returned to the Youth Parole Board –For further information about the protocol, see justice_guidelines_for_workers_pdf_0509.pdf justice_guidelines_for_workers_pdf_0509.pdf At times the focus of statutory and voluntary services can differ – collaboration is critical
Role is informed by a range of information and data sources Specific tools are utilised to assist with identification of young people with a disability: Self identification on arrival in custody. Use of the Victorian Offending Needs Indicator for Youth (VONIY). Identified through external reports, behaviour in custody, or collaboration with other stakeholders. Databases such as the Client Relationship Information System (CRIS) are used to inform service planning. Consultation with Disability Services, Youth Services and Youth Justice Custodial services.
Clients referred to the Senior Disability Advisor,
Cultural Background of Clients Referrals to SDA – Indigenous status
Referrals to SDA - Young people from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background
Current challenges Identification of young people with a Disability. Increased presentation of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Complexity of cognitive assessments Ensuring responsitivity to needs of young people from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background. Complex presentations of young men and women with a Disability that exhibit violence and other behaviours of concern. Multiple agency involvement including Child Protection and Non – Government agencies.
Teamwork is vital Source: The Guardian Weekly, 28 May 2010
Seeks to capacity build within custody centres and across the state Strengthening formal linkages between Youth Justice and Disability Services and encouraging collaborative practices Assisting with staff development for YJCC and regional disability client services staff around specific needs of client group and collaborative practice Assisting to develop workable and practical interventions that will divert young people with a disability away from the youth justice system Facilitating understanding and cooperation around the revised Protocol between Youth Justice and Disability Services – and guidelines for workers (2009) Capacity building of youth justice and disability services staff
Two sides of the collaboration coin Youth Justice / Disability
Outcomes Increased understanding amongst youth justice custodial staff of how to work with young people with a disability Increased use of positive behaviour management strategies by youth justice staff with young people. Greater understanding amongst youth justice staff understanding of disability service system and how to access More active involvement of disability services staff in exit and parole planning for young people. Improved working relationships between youth justice and disability client services as well as with other agencies such as the Statewide ABI Paediatric Coordination Service.
Further Outcomes … Increase in the engagement of young people in custody with disability services case management Increase in number of referrals from custodial staff to the SDA over a two year period Skill development through workforce and learning initiatives – collaborative training and provision of induction training for new YJ and DCS case managers\ Increased engagement by Disability Client Services case managers at Youth Parole Board and greater involvement in exit planning
Future priorities and opportunities Building on the knowledge base of youth justice staff on working with young people with a disability: –Understanding nature of disabilities –Positive behaviour supports –Pathways into assessment –How to access support services in the community for young people with a disability. Assisting with the ongoing training of youth justice staff on: –Positive behaviour strategies –Effective communication strategies. Further contribute to policy and service planning.
Sarah Niblock, Senior Disability Advisor (w): (m): Contact details