The Secret Garden By Frances Hodgson Burnett Introduction to Understanding THE TIMES: Victorian England
Objective: Visual Literacy We are going to look at images to assist in background knowledge to better understand our first book, The Secret Garden. As we look at different images, try to visualize the culture and expectations of a person from that era. Try to leave ETHNOCENTRICITY, your culture’s ideas/bias of what is right and wrong, out of your understanding of that time period/era.
“The sun never sets on the English Empire.” This quote was true in the Victorian Era for the English Empire. Countries that “belonged” to England included:
Viewing Questions 1. Did they have a way to travel around the world yet? 2. Did they have cities? 3. Were there automobiles in excess? 4. Were their cities LARGE?
India – circa 1901 A.D.
England – circa 1901 A.D.
Viewing Questions: 1. What does their mode of dress tell you about their culture? 2. What does it tell you about their idea of modesty? 3. What does it tell you about how they treat their children?
India– circa 1901
Victorian Dress – circa 1901 A.D. Gentlemen:Ladies:
Victorian Dress – circa 1901 A.D. Children’s Clothes:
Victorian Expectations of a woman: What do the pictures tell you? Hint: How are they dressed?
The Old vs. The New Now look at glimpses of England and India today. What do you notice is the same from the Victorian Era, and what has changes?
London – Present Day
India – Present Day
THE DOUBLE BUBBLE Activity: You are going to create a double bubble map to show similarities and differences between the Victorian Era and your life now. Similar Similar 2014 Victorian Era Different Similar Different Different Different