Unmasking Jack the Ripper Unsolved Mysteries in Nineteenth Century and New Electronic Resources Dr. Marlene Tromp Dean and Vice Provost
Victorian Credentials Altered States: Sex, Nation, Drugs, and Self-Transformation in Victorian Spiritualism (SUNY, 2006) The Private Rod: Sexual Violence, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England (UP Virginia, 2000) Fear and Loathing: Victorian Xenophobia (Ohio State UP, 2014) Victorian Freaks: The Social Context of Freakery in the Nineteenth Century (Ohio State UP, 2007) Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Beyond Sensation (SUNY 2000). Force of Habit: Life and Death on the Titanic (under review) Intimate Murder: Sex and Death in the Nineteenth Century (under review) Outstanding Graduate Professor (English); Charles Brickman Award for outstanding teaching and scholarship; Teacher of the Year by Prevent Abuse and Violence Education Association (PAVE); twice named a Mortar Board Outstanding Professor; Student- Centered Teaching Awar; Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award; Faculty Champion of Women’s Rights Award.
Outline of today’s session: Beginning with crime and working backwards. What does studying crime have the potential to teach us? What characterized the Victorian world? Victorian crime and murder, writ large. Defining murder and murderers. Challenging us and our students to think about: complex social relationships. how we make meaning and understand history. Who was Jack the Ripper?
Goals Provide insight into the Victorian period. Provide tools for accessing additional information about the period. Provide tools for engaging today’s students in the period.
The Ripper Murders
Ripper Basics Five “canonical” murders. Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly. Took place between August and November of Drew the attention of the nation. Produced voluminous news coverage, social engagement, and government action. Most significantly for ourselves and our students: provide an avenue into the period.
Caveat Please be aware that some of the images are disturbing. You may wish not to view some of the murder photographs.
Victims Mary Ann Nichols; discovered 3:40 a.m., Friday, August 31, Mary Ann “Polly” Nichols Annie Chapman, Photograph supplied by Neal Sheldon Annie Chapman; discovered 6:00 a.m. Saturday, September 8, Annie Chapman
3 Elizabeth “Long Liz” Stride All Things Crime, Jack the Ripper’s Victim #3 Discovered 1:00 am, Sunday, September 30, Catherine “Kate” Eddowes Discovered at 1:45 am, Sunday, September 30, 1888, her body brutally mutilated The Double Event
5 Mary Jane Kelly Discovered by landlord 10:45 am, Friday, November 9, 1888
Crime as a Doorway What can this terrible case—and other criminal cases— teach us and our students about the period?
Gender and Class extension of the franchise “The Woman Question” James Tissot, The Gallery of HMS Calcutta (1876) Tate Gallery Women surface workers in Lancashire National Coal Mining Museum for England John Galt, Little Collingwood Street, Bethnal Green [n.d.]
Class and National Identity “The sun never sets on the British Empire” industrialization 'From the Cape to Cairo', Puck, Britannia leads civilising soldiers and colonists against Africans as Civilisation conquers Barbarism. Library of Congress Das Bild zeigt die Maschinenfabrik von Richard Hartmann in Chemnitz John Thompson, The Crawlers, London,
Race and Religion National Archive, Kew Original illustration for Oliver Twist Harper’s Weekly
Ways of Understanding scientific advances shifts in religious beliefs Woodcut of the famous (crowded) banquet in Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins' standing Crystal Palace Iguanodon, 1854 Katie King, the spirit manifested during seances by Florence Cook Hypocrisy denouncing music and Sunday Finery? Punch (May 24, 1856)
Government Portrait of Queen Victoria, painted by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, 1859 Supplied by Royal Collection Trust / © HM Queen Elizabeth II 2012 Queen Victoria by Alexander Bassano carbon cabinet card, 1887 (1882) National Portrait Gallery Victorian Era: Longest ruling English monarch. Ascended the throne at 18. Died at 81. Parliamentary records available on Google Books. Houses of Parliament, 1888 Jim Payne
Social Systems Metropolitan Police Health Care Great Ormond Street Hospital Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren
Urban Landscape 1894 Ordnance Survey Map of Whitehcapel [marks added by Wikipedia, Sites of the Whitechapel Murders
Communication, Record Keeping, and Archives
Perhaps you’d like to meet some other Victorians? Charlotte Brontë Charles Dickens George Eliot Charles Darwin Eliot Dickens Brontë Darwin
United Kingdom The United Kingdom is comprised of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the island that includes England, Wales, and Scotland. London is the capital of England. “British” covers the citizens, practices, and objects of the entire U.K. Denver Public Library
Murder! “A popular murder has been committed.” Crime is and was a very politically, socially, and psychologically complex subject. Illustrated Police News [London], 8th September 1888
Is it “murder”… when soldiers kill? to protect oneself or others? David Rowlands, The 20th Foot at the Battle of Inkerman 1854 Punch, Almanack, 1863
Motive William Corder shooting Maria Martin, The Red Barn Murder, 1827 Effect Of The Antigarotte Collar On A Garrotteur. Punch, September 27, 1856
“Likely” Perpetrators George Cruikshank, The Bottle, 1847 the poor the sexually immoral
Psychological Motives Thames Torso Murders The Alton Murder, 1867 Illustrated Police News (October 13, 1888): 1. The Alton Murder! The Police News Edition
BRANCH Collective There are new online resources available to help you learn and teach about the period.
And the real murderer is… THE NEMESIS OF NEGLECT. "There floats a phantom on the slum's foul air, Shaping, to eyes which have the gift of seeing, Into the Spectre of that loathly lair. Face it--for vain is fleeing! Red-handed, ruthless, furtive, unerect, 'Tis murderous Crime--the Nemesis of Neglect! ” John Tenniel, Punch, Sept 29, 1888
Whitechapel murders go on… Frances Coles, Illustrated Police News, 21 February 1891: 1.