Katina Benenates Unique Designs
Spacial Organizati on This is a 3- D sculpture made of aluminum flashing, Plexiglas, and plumbing trim. The objective was to take an inspirational piece of art and turn it into a unique space.
One Point Perspectiv e One point perspective rendering done with mixed medias; prisma markers, and prisma pencils.
One Point Perspectiv e Line drawing done in one point perspective.
2 Points Perspectiv e
2 Perspectiv e
2 point perspective
Two Point Perspectiv e Two point perspective rendering achieved with prisma colored markers, prisma pencils, and water color.
Residential Floor Plan The Sterns, Victorian Style home
Auto Cad Projects A commercial floor plan created for Smith Bailey & Gold law firm.
Acrylic Painting
The Latin Lady