Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) Prediction of a Horse Race Learn “Enhanced Entanglement” with the Future by Doing It…Consciously IRVA Conference Workshop June 19, 2010 Marty Rosenblatt Physics-Intuition-Applications Corp
Workshop and Precognition Apply Your Consciousness to Gathering Information from the Future – from Your Future Learn and Apply ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) – Pick Winning Horse – 1 st Race Today at Hollywood Park (1:00 PM) Enjoy Your ARV Journey
"Precognition, in which the answer is known to no one until a future time, appears to work quite well." Dr. Jessica Utts, Division of Statistics, at the University of California, Davis, wrote a paper entitled, An Assessment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning (1996). Precognition occurs quite often, but not all the time. At the subconscious level
The Spooky World Of Quantum Biology Written By: Michael Garfield Date Published: June 1, 2009 | View more articles in: BioBio Quantum Superposition, Choice, and Precognition “…I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” The Character of Physical Law (1960). --- Richard Feynman ( ) … the energy in photosynthesis explores all of its options and collapses the quantum process only after the fact, retroactively “deciding” upon the most efficient pathway. What does this all mean? Not only does quantum phenomena occur in living systems, but the basic processes of life we take for granted rely on the transfer of information backward in time.
Precognitive Transcript ARV “Begins” with the FeedBack Photosite Information is always going backwards in Time (and forwards too )
Consciousness is the Fundamental Conscious Moments are the “Atoms” Present-Time Conscious “now” (moments) “Here and Now” Misses a Primary Point Concerning Consciousness. The “Now” is Primary …The Now Conscious Moment. “Here and Now” Misses a Primary Point Concerning Consciousness. The “Now” is Primary …The Now Conscious Moment. “Events” are constructs from multiple “Nows”.
Eternal Now - Paul Tillich 1886 –1965: German-American theologianPaul Tillich The riddle of the present is the deepest of all the riddles of time. We accept the present and do not care that it is gone in the moment that we accept it. We live in it and it is renewed for us in every new "present.“ This is possible because every moment of time reaches into the eternal. It is the eternal that stops the flux of time for us. It is the eternal "now" which provides for us a temporal "now."
Consciousness is the Fundamental The blue is the physical/spiritual universe containing Every Thing Consciousness “touches” in all space/time plus … (all that is) – ignore the outer boundary No boundary implies no separations – Oneness and Harmony Things cannot ever be completely separated from t he circle without a boundary, therefore: Any Thing must have a “fuzzy boundary” – uncertainty Circle without a boundary “Thing” with a fuzzy boundary
You and Events The blue is the physical/spiritual universe with Every Thing including all of time – Events (multiple “nows” in Your Life) are Things You can ignore events - decrease entanglement. You can increase entanglement. One Event is You doing your Viewing Session. The other Event is You doing your FeedBack Session. RV FB Your consciousness creates a “handshake” with these two events and can enhance the entanglement!
Possible Outcome Label Horse Name Photo- Site Association A Name 1 Choice #8 B Name 2 Choice #4 C Name 3 Choice #5 D Name 4 Choice #2 E Name 5 Choice #6 F Name 6 Choice #7 G Name 7 Choice #10 H Name 8 Choice #9 I Name 9 Choice #1 J Name 10 Choice #3 Associative Remote Viewing with PRECOG10 Intention: Uniquely Describe YOUR FeedBack PhotoSite “Coordinate” is Associated with FB PS and Winning Horse
FeedBack PhotoSite for (PhotoSite will go here after horse race)
Computer Screen Shot from PRECOG10 for our Horse Race
Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) in a “Nutshell” FeedBack Session (photosite) Remote Viewing Session Associations are made between Future Outcomes and Photos Actual Outcome FB RV
A Winning Transcript (but you do more) INTENTION: Describe FB PS Uniquely Enough for a Hit
Lorain’s Sub has a “Funny Bone”
Alice in Wonderland 'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,' the Queen remarked.
Intention: Describe FB-PS Paper & Pen/Pencil What you need Your Consciousness and Submerged Consciousness
Transcript of Communication with Your SubConscious Analytic OverLay Report Your Interaction with Your SubConscious to pick Winner. Intention: Move to the FeedBack PhotoSite and Describe.
Transcript of Communication with Your SubConscious Analytic OverLay
Cool Down Intend to Describe and Sketch your FeedBack- PhotoSite Come to the present moment...become aware of the now conscious moment Focus on your breathing Take a few deep breaths and begin sensing your inner world. 4, 3, 2, 1, “Move to Your FeedBack and Describe”
Analysis/Judging (AJing) is Not:
PhotoSite Choices
FCBEDA Random String Relating PhotoSite Choice # to Outcome Thus PS Choice #1 is Associated with Outcome F “Nathaniel” Post Position #6 (pp 6) PhotoSite #
PhotoSite Choices Nathaniel (pp#6) Big Wig (pp#3) Skellytown (pp#2) Concerto’s Thunder (pp#5) Victorian Prince (pp#4) Luv Dragon (pp#1}
Personal Prediction Group Prediction Wagering is an Example of Applied RV Lunch Break (Race at 1:00 pm Back Here at 1:30 pm)
FeedBack PhotoSite for
FeedBack is Key in ARV “It all begins with FB”
Example FB Session “It all begins with FB”
Look Inside Your Self
You and the Universe “Some say that we pass from spirit into the physical at birth and conversely pass from the physical world into spirit at death. I say that we never pass from the spirit.” — Skip Atwater (Initiated and headed the RV Army Unit)
Precognition is Real – Integrate it into your life Physics-Intuition-Applications Online eZine – PRECOG – Two Choices – PRECOG10 – 3 to 14 Choices – PRECOG10 Google Discussion Group