How to Succeed in Freshman Year Developing Good Study Habits to Last a Lifetime Xavier High School 2011
The Objective To provide tips to assist you in developing strong study habits, note taking strategies, and study skills in order to become a successful student at Xavier High School
Setting Goals Setting goals is an important step in becoming a better student Goals must be challenging and yet reasonable at the same time. Two types of goals Long term Over longer period of time Short term Be very specific about goal and how exactly how you plan to achieve it
Think about: One long term goal you would like to accomplish for freshman year. Write it down on your Goal Sheet and how you will achieve this goal. 2-3 short term goals you would like to accomplish for the 1 st quarter. Write these down on your sheet along with exactly how you plan to accomplish these goals. Be specific!!! Freshman Goal Sheet
Study Skill #1: Stay Organized Use your student planner every day. Tip: Write in assignments even if they are posted on a teacher’s website or assignment sheet. You can see everything you have to do. Keep papers and notes from each subject separate. Tip: If you put all your papers in one folder, try using an accordion file to separate by class. Do not throw away old homeworks, tests, and quizzes. Tip: If you have too many papers, leave older papers at home in a safe place. If you are unorganized, ASK FOR HELP Tip: If you have papers all over your book bag and sticking out of notebooks, you are unorganized.
Study Skill #2: Note Taking The ability to take good notes will help you… Earn better grades Understand the lesson Perform better on quizzes Have better material to study before tests Stay focused in class!
Note Taking Many students take notes, but few take good notes. How do you take good notes? 1. Have a designated place for class notes for each subject. Be ready when class starts. 2. Always write the date at the top of the page where you write your notes. 3. If your teacher puts notes on the board or power point, remember to LISTEN while you copy notes. 4. If you miss some notes or don’t finish copying notes, write a star on your paper or reminder to yourself to get the notes from a classmate.
Note Taking Learn how your teacher indicates what’s important. Listen for key words like: main idea, cause and effect, turning point, theme, important Proper nouns and dates Vocabulary words with definitions Take notes on your own when you read your homework. You will read more carefully You will have some notes to study before class and possible quizzes. You will have more notes to study before a test.
Study Skill #3: Studying Review your notes from class, homeworks and quizzes, especially what you got wrong. Go through textbook and do practice questions. Make a review sheet or flash cards. Writing reinforces information and you have an quick way to study before the test. Keep track of questions you have to ask teacher or classmates.
Study Skill #3: Studying (cont) Study with a strategy. Plan breaks. Study first on your own, then try a study group. Avoid cramming. Start studying 2-3 days in advance. Avoid studying in front of a computer, with your cell phones, or with TV, iPod, radio…
Test Taking Low grades on tests and quizzes are caused by… Poor study habits: Not studying enough – only the night before or day of Just reading over notes repeatedly, and not “digesting” information in a variety of ways (review sheets, flash cards, doing problems, reviewing homework and quizzes) Lack of preparation : Not doing all the homework in weeks before test. Trying to learn everything right before the test. Fear of failure; Pressure to get a good grade Low expectations; Comparing yourself to others
Test Taking Strategies Before answering a single test question, read the directions Be aware of time limits Read all of the answers before selecting one Make sure an essay answers the question Quality not quantity
Study Skill #4: Projects If allowed, choose a topic that interests you If allowed, choose a topic that interests you List steps involved in the project List steps involved in the project Make a schedule of when you will accomplish each step. Write in your planner. Make a schedule of when you will accomplish each step. Write in your planner. Read and Follow all the directions carefully! Read and Follow all the directions carefully! Do not hesitate to ask your teachers questions or request advice Do not hesitate to ask your teachers questions or request advice Don’t procrastinate! Don’t procrastinate!