Freshman Orientation Class of 2016 WELCOME
Welcome to Edmond North High School Home of the Huskies
Edmond North High School’s Mission Statement The relentless pursuit of excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service
Graduation Requirements Class of 2016 Two Curriculum Options: College Preparatory Curriculum Students will be enrolled in college prep unless parents opt out Core Graduation Requirements Currently, successful completion of either track will result in a standard diploma
Edmond Public Schools Graduation Requirements Class of 2016 1 unit = 2 semesters Subject Core Requirement College Prep ENHS Recom. English 4 units 4 units 4 units Math 3 units 3 units 4 units Science 3 units 3 units 4 units Social St. 3 ½ units 3 ½ units 4 units The Arts 2 Options 2 Options 2 Options
Physical Education 2 Semesters Required PE requirement (1 unit or year) fulfilled by: Any PE Course 1 Unit Any Sport 1 Unit Cheer/Pom 1 Unit ROTC 1 Unit Band 3 Units Orchestra 3 Units Vocal Music 3 Units Plan to complete this requirement early.
To fulfill this requirement you must do one of the following: The ARTS To fulfill this requirement you must do one of the following: Humanities, Shakespeare, or Mythology / Poetry (1 semester) Or AP Euro, AP World, or AP Art History (year long courses) 2 units (4 semesters) of visual or performing arts – art, drama, vocal, or instrumental music
College Preparatory Courses 90% of all courses at Edmond North are college preparatory classes Find your passion ~ Where do you want to go? What do you love to learn? Take the challenge in YOUR passion!
2 to 3 Units of the same language is recommended for Oklahoma colleges World Languages 2 to 3 Units of the same language is recommended for Oklahoma colleges
Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Are Required for College Admission
ACE LEGISLATION ACE Legislation passed in 2006 requires that: ALL students PASS 4 of 7 EOI exams in order to graduate High School. ALGEBRA I and ENGLISH 2 must be passed along with 2 additional from the following: Algebra II, Biology I, English III, Geometry and U.S. History
Success in Higher Education The type of courses students take in high school is more important than test scores, class rank, or grade point average. June 1999, U.S. Department of Education Study by Clifford Adelman
Academic Support Programs Guided Study Tutorial Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry support classes Edmond Summer Program for Intervention Now (ESPIN)
Bus transportation will be available only for the 1-6 schedule. Flex Schedule 1-6 periods 7:40-2:30 2-7 periods 8:40-3:30 1-7 periods 7:40-3:30 Bus transportation will be available only for the 1-6 schedule.
Pre-Engineering academy Bioscience & medicine academy Plan to get all requirements completed early! Edmond Public Schools / FRANCIS TUTTLE
RETURN TO YOUR EIGHT GRADE COUNSELOR BY: EDMOND NORTH FRESHMAN 2012 – 2013 STUDENT ENROLLMENT FORM Student’s Name ______________________________________-____ Last First Middle Student’s cell #___________Alt. phone#_________Student email_______ Are you an OKLAHOMA Promise (OHLAP) student? Circle one Yes No Transportation Information Please choose the mode of transportation your student will utilize both before and after school _____Parent/Guardian will transport _____Transported by bus _____Student driver/rider _____Student will walk Students requiring bus transportation must enroll in 1st-6th schedule. Please check one of the following: ____Flex AM 1st-6th schedule _____Flex PM 2nd-7th schedule _____1st-7th schedule RETURN TO YOUR EIGHT GRADE COUNSELOR BY: Central – March 2, 2012 Sequoyah – March 2, 2012 Cheyenne – March 9, 2012
2012-2013 Freshman Student Enrollment Form Con’t CORE CLASSES Refer to recommendations by 8th grade teachers English : Choose one English Course __Pre AP English --1001521 ___Reading Improvement--1031410 __English I--1001421 Required for students scoring below level in Reading on the 8th grade OCCT Oklahoma History: Choose one History Course ____Pre -AP Oklahoma History-(1 Sem)--2726511 __X__Health—(1 sem.)-141410 ____Oklahoma History (1 Sem)- 2726411 (Required) Math: Choose one Math Course ___Algebra I—2031421 ___Pre AP Geometry—2034522 ___Algebra I + Algebra Support as elective--2031422 ___Geometry—2034422 For students scoring below grade level on the Math ___Pre-AP Algebra II--2041523 8th grade OCCT Science: Choose on Science Course ___Pre-AP Biology—175521 ___Biology--1711421
2012-2013 Freshman Enrollment Con’t ELECTIVES You must EITHER select one (1) year long class or two (2) semester courses for each space. Also, if you plan to play a sport, you MUST list the sport(s) you plan to play as an elective. You may chose an additional CORE course as an elective. 1._________________________________/___________________________________ 2._________________________________/___________________________________ 3._________________________________/___________________________________ ONLY CHOOSE A 3RD ELECTIVE IF YOU HAVE CHOSEN A 1-7 SCHEDULE ****Alternate courses for electives must be listed in order of preference 1.________________ 2._________________ 3.__________________ Important Notice Choose your schedule carefully. Schedule Changes will only be made for the following reasons: school error or inappropriate placement (level). There will be NO mid-year changes. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to be aware of the requirements of the College Preparatory and Minimum Graduation Curriculum Guidelines enclosed in this packet (Senate Bill 982) I have read the above notice and agree to the requested courses Parent Signature__________________ Student Signature____________________Date____ FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO:
Freshman Class Elective List 2012-2013 ACADEMIC TEAM *Academic Team-0899520 AEROSPACE SCIENCE (ROTC) Aerospace Science I- 2195621 Aerospace Science I Honors-2195521 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Agricultural Science I-0102421 (Students will be bused to the Ag. Bldg) ART *Introduction to Art-1160410 (Required to take the following Art Courses) x Drawing & Design-1162410 x Pottery I-1164411 x 3D Construction-1189410 x Photography I – 117141 (2nd semester only) BUSINESS x Introduction to Business-0201411 x Business Law-0299410 BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY x Computer Applications-0302422 COMPUTER SCIENCE/MATH x Comp Science Game Programming-0315410 DEBATE Debate I-1083421 DRAMA Drama I-1111421 Competitive Drama I-1113421 * Stagecraft I (Teacher Approval)-1112420
Freshman Class Electives Con’t FAMILY/CONSUMER SCIENCES Family & Consumer Sciences I-0501421 HUMANITIES x Humanities-2202410 INDUSTRIAL ARTS $ x Intro to Wood Technology-0417410 x Drafting- 0702411 JOURNALISM x Basic Journalism/News Writing-1092412 * Yearbook (Application Required) - 1903420 LEADERSHIP x Teen Leadership-0841423 MATH *Algebra I Support-2031422 (Required for students scoring below MUSIC Band-(1st Hour)-1120420 Jazz Ensemble (Teacher Approval)-1126520 $ String Orchestra- 1124421 $ Men’s Chorus- 1132420 $ Women’s Chorus I - 1133420 $ Applied Vocal Music (Audition Only)-1135520 PHYSICAL EDUCATION x Fall Sports Lab-2304410 x Spring Sports Lab- 2302410 x Recreational Basketball-2325410 x Personal Fitness & Toning-2331410 x Strength & Conditioning-2312430 * Athletic Trainer (Teacher Approval) - 2304420
Freshman Electives Con’t COMPETITIVE ATHLETICS: Baseball - 2311037,2321037 Basketball (Boys)- 2311047, 2321047 Basketball (Girls)- 2311048,2321048 Cheer- 2315921, 2325921 (tryouts only) Cross Country (Girls) 2311088 Cross Country (Boys) 2311087 Football 2311127,2321127 Golf (Boys) 2312137,2322137 Golf (Girls) 2312138,2322138 Pom – 2311921, 2321921 (tryouts only) Soccer (Boys) 2311237,2321237 Soccer (Girls) 2311238,2321238 Softball 2311248, 2321248 Swimming (Boys) 2312267, 2322267 Swimming (Girls) 2312268, 322268 Tennis (Boys) 2312297,2322297 Tennis (Girls) 2312298,232229 Track (Boys) 2321307 Track Girls) 2321308 Volleyball - 2311318 Wrestling - 2312337, 2322337 READING/LEARNING SKILLS * Reading Improvement- 1031410 (Required for students scoring below grade level in Reading on the 8th grade OCCT) WORLD LANGUAGE Chinese I -1221420 French I -1205421 German I -1210421 Latin I -1215421 Spanish I - 1201421 Spanish II -1201422 PreAP Spanish II -1201522 KEY: x One semester class * Course requires teacher approval # Course requires completed application or an interview or teacher’s initial next to course name $ There is a fee for this course
Your enrollment packet is due to your 8th grade counselor by Enrollment Due Date Your enrollment packet is due to your 8th grade counselor by Cheyenne – March 7th 2012 Sequoyah – March 2ND 2012 Central – March 2ND 2012
Questions about enrollment? What do I do? Come to the Husky Showcase: Department representatives and Club & Organization sponsors will be available to answer questions
Enrollment Conferences Students & parents will meet with a Freshman Advisor individually to finalize their enrollment. Students NOT in ENHS district can call Ms. Bray @ 340-2847 for an appointment
Thursday, March 15th 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Sequoyah Enrollment Conferences No Appointments First Come, First Serve Location: ENHS Freshman Academy Monday, March 12th 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Or Thursday, March 15th 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: ENHS Freshman Academy Cheyenne & Central Enrollment Conferences No Appointments First Come, First Serve Location: ENHS Freshman Academy Tuesday, March 13th 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Jayne Roberts – President North Parent Group Jayne Roberts – President
Good Luck! HUSKIES 2016