The Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program: A Best Practice for Achievement
TexPREP Started in 1979 at The University of Texas at San Antonio Replicated in 15 cities Operates on 25 community and senior college campuses Replicated in eight states (nine college campuses) as PROYECTO Access PROYECTO Access
Over 18,000 middle and high school students have completed at least one summer of TexPREP. 81% minority 54% women
TexPREP 1999 Follow-up Survey (3,828 of 7,756 college age former participants responded) 99.9% graduated high school 92% were college students or graduated college 90% graduation rate of college attendees 77% of the senior college graduates are minority
TexPREP 1999 Follow-up Survey (3,828 of 7,756 college age former participants responded) 53% of the senior college graduates are engineering, mathematics, or science majors 71% of engineering and science graduates are minority 86% of the college students and graduates attended Texas colleges
The Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program: A Best Practice for Achievement
TexPREP Partnership Success Well organized/highly structured High expectations Competent committed staff Inclusive Database/ research Close contact with partners
The Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program: A Best Practice for Achievement
As professionals, we must: Support college scholarship programs Set high expectations Identify students with intellectual capacity to succeed Provide support and enrichment for advanced courses Foster an English+ environment Advocate for talented teachers and quality salaries
"Reasoning and proof should be a consistent part of students' mathematical experiences in pre-kindergarten through grade 12." National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
The Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program: A Best Practice for Achievement