Boonville R-I High School Freshman Orientation 2012
Credit BHS has a 7 class period day. BHS works off the semester concept. One-half (½) unit of credit is awarded for any course that meets 50 minutes per day for 18 weeks. All credit is granted by semester.
Graduation Requirements To graduate from BHS students must earn 24 credits. The following is required: Communication Arts4 units Social Studies3 units Mathematics3 units Science3 units Fine Arts1 unit Practical Arts1 unit Physical Education1 unit Health½ unit Personal Finance½ unit Electives 7 units Total 24 units Graduate BHS
Graduation Honors The Cum Laude System was adopted to encourage students to pursue a strong academic program. This program exceeds the minimum standards outlined for graduation. Classes must be from the academic core. Students who complete this program of study, along with maintaining the specified grade point average, will receive a high school diploma awarded: Cum Laude GPA Magna Cum Laude GPA Summa Cum Laude or above GPA
Graduation Honors Communication Arts (CA I and higher)4 units Social Studies (Am. History, Civics)3 units Mathematics (Algebra I and higher)*3 units Science (Physical Science and higher)**3 units Core Electives***3 units Fine Arts1 unit Practical Arts1 unit Physical Education1 unit Health½ unit Personal Finance½ unit Electives 4 units Total 24 units *Algebra I taken in 8th grade can fulfill 1 math credit **Elemental Physical Science and Elemental Biology will equal one unit of Physical Science credit to fulfill honors requirement, but will count as 2 units of credit toward graduation. ***Core Electives can be earned from CA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and foreign language. Embedded credit will not count toward graduation honors.
Grading Scale The grading scale used for all students in the Boonville School District. A95-100C73-76 A-90-94C B+87-89D B83-86D63-66 B-80-82D C+77-79F0-59
Personal Plan of Study
Program of Study
Enrollment Form Grade: 9 BOONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Freshman Enrollment Form Student Information Student Name ____________________________________ Birth Date _________________ Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ (street)(city)(zip code) Home Phone Number __________________ Work Phone Number _________________ Parent Cell Phone Number ________________Parent __________________________ School Now Attending Eighth Grade ______________________________________________
Enrollment Form Required UnitCourse SelectionTeacher Approval Communication Arts Math Science Social Studies Physical Education Elective *(Fine/Practical Arts) Elective *(Fine/Practical Arts) Course Selections Elective course could be semester courses. Make sure if you list a first semester course you also list a second semester course. Elective courses do not need teacher approval.
Enrollment Form Required Unit Course Selection Alternate Course Alternate Courses Choose two alternate courses in case the courses you have chosen will not fit your schedule. Alternate courses may be semester or yearlong. If the course is a semester class, please list the semester for which it meets. Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________
Course Selections Communication Arts (4 units required) Basic, CA Skills, CAI Mathematics (3 units required) Basic, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry Social Studies (3 units required) Basic, American History Science (3 units required) Basic, Elemental Physical Science, Physical Science Teachers will recommend placement in core classes.
Class Selections Physical Education (1 unit required) Boys, Girls Practical Arts (1 unit required) Agricultural Science I Desktop Publishing Keyboarding (semester class) Life Skills (semester or year class) Woodworking Technology
Class Selections Fine Arts Art I Band Chamber Choir (must audition) Pirate Singers (must audition - semester or year class) Mixed Chorus (semester or year class)
Class Selection Electives Personal Health (semester required) Spanish I Study Hall – no credit
MSHSAA and BHS Eligibility All incoming Freshmen are eligible for 1 st Semester extracurricular activities. A student must pass 3 units of credit during 1 st Semester in order to be eligible to participate in or attend extracurricular activities (sports, dances, clubs, prom, etc) during 2 nd Semester. Credit is awarded on the semester concept. Each class is equal to ½ credit. Do the Math: ½ credit x 6 classes = 3 units
Absence Limits Students are allowed 9 days of absence each semester. Three tardies to a class counts as one absence. Letters will be sent to parents at 6, 8 and 10 absences for the semester. Tardies are not figured into absences in these letters.
Contacting Your Student Call the office at anytime in order to reach your student. We will: Send a message to your student if it is not an emergency. Go and get your student if you need to talk with him/her immediately. DO NOT CALL OR TEXT THEIR CELL PHONE!
Cell Phones Cell Phones are not to be used during the school day at BHS. Should a student have his/her cell phone out or in use during school, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. The student will be assigned: First Offense: Wednesday Detention Second Offense: 2 days of ISS Third Offense/Subsequent Offenses: 3 to 10 days of ISS
Student Handbook Has all rules – both curricular and extracurricular. Has an agenda for keeping track of assignments and due dates. Has a calendar of all school functions.
A+ Program To be eligible for A+, students must meet the following requirements: Attend an A+ school for 3 consecutive years. Graduate with a 2.5 GPA. Have an attendance rate of 95% for the four years. Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring for younger students in a school supervised setting. Maintain a record of good citizenship/no drugs or alcohol. Achieve a score of Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra I EOC test.
SISK12 Portal The SISK12 Portal allows the parent and student to access: Grades Attendance Lunch Balance Medical Records Discipline Records Homework Assignments Direct Access to Teacher You must have a signed agreement on file.
Immunization Booster Your student’s immunization record may be accessed on the Parent Portal. Missouri School Health Law now states that all students must have a Tdap booster every 10 years. All students received a DPT immunization upon entering Kindergarten so your student will shortly be due for their booster. These boosters may be obtained through the Cooper County Public Health Center free of charge by calling for an appointment or from your family physician. Please send a copy of the documentation of receipt of this immunization to the school so that we may update your student’s record.
Summer School Summer School at BHS will be from May 22 to June 20. Class is from 8:00-12:00. Freshmen may only enroll in Health. Summer School information and forms are available on the BHS home webpage Classes are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Enrollment forms will be accepted in the counselor’s office beginning on Friday, March 23, at 7:00 a.m.
Enrollment Reminders Mathematics, Science, Communication Arts, and Spanish I classes must be signed off by a teacher. Enrollment information is available on the BHS webpage located under “Information from the Office”. Students must pass the classes currently enrolled in or those classes failed will be repeated. Students who take Algebra I in 8 th grade receive a Pass/Fail credit on their high school transcript if they do not repeat the class.
When we finish here… Immunization booster – Becky Richards Steve Litwiller and Kim Hartley FFA Summer School Forms Walk-through the building August 6, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Freshmen Registration