PROSPECTS 88,639 APPLICANTS 8,869 ACCEPTED 5,204 ENROLLED 2,231 Freshman Class 2002 Admissions Cycle
PROSPECTS 88,639 Freshman Class 2002 Admissions Cycle
Prospect Timeline 4Mid FebMass mailing - H.S sophomores & juniors 4June-DecMailings, phone calls, s 4Oct 31 Application Deadline for President’s Scholarship Competition 4Jan. 15 Final Application Deadline
Prospect Sources PSAT SEARCH MAILING TO 60,000+ HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS –Georgia majority & minority Students –Non-Georgia majority & minority Students HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES –Georgia and Non-Georgia majority –Georgia and Non-Georgia minority
Prospect Sources l National Merit High Scorers l National Merit/Achievement Commended l National Merit / Achievement Semi-finalists l National Hispanic Recognition Program Finalists
Prospect Sources l SAT/ACT high scorers l Campus visitors l 2,115 vists (52% of visitors applied) l Governors Honors Program contacts l 249 high school seniors contacted (44% applied) l Who’s Who referrals l 544 high school students referred
l Peterson’s Guide referrals l 549 high school students referred Personal Requests Letters / telephone calls 3,882 high school seniors requested information 7,143 high school seniors requested information Georgia Certificate of Merit Winners Top 5% of high school graduating class 4,049 students / received letters & viewbooks Prospect Sources
MITE PREP High school visit contacts College day / night contacts 4,714 high school seniors contacted Group visitation programs Preview Days 539 students (hs seniors only) 278 accepted 199 enrolled (72% of accepted) Prospect Sources
Group visitation programs (cont.) Women’s Program 617 high school seniors attended Special group tours Next Generation Party 53 high school seniors 21 accepted 17 enrolled Prospect Strategies
Letter / Viewbook / Application Targeted students Personal requests Telephone Calls / s Women Minorities High Achievers Prospect Strategies
Connect with Tech Invitations Mailed to: Women, minorities, high achievers, Georgia residents Evaluation of program 700 high school seniors attended 568 accepted 370 enrolled (69% of accepted) Prospect Strategies
PROSPECTS 88,639 Freshman Class 2002 Admissions Cycle APPLICANTS 8,869
Applicant Timeline 4Oct 31 Admission application deadline for President’s Scholarship competition 4Jan 15Final admission application deadline 4Mar 1Financial aid application deadline
Connect with Tech Invitations Women Minorities High Achievers Letters to legacies High school visits Applicant Strategies
College day / night programs Financial aid / scholarship applications Decision letters Acceptance Provisional admission for legacies Provisional admission for Georgia residents RETP GTREP Transfer program Applicant Strategies
l High school courses and grades l Standardized test scores l Academic Index –Recalculated high school GPA –Verbal SAT –Math SAT l Expanded Index –Academic Index + –Personal Statement / Essay Score –Leadership / Activities Score l Subjective data Admission Criteria
Admission Formulae Academic Index – *HSGPA *SATV *SATM Expanded Index – *HSGPA *SATV *SATM *LEAD *ESSAY
Admissions Office Staffing Director Sr. Associate Director 5 Assistant Directors (special respons- ibilities: African-American, Hispanic, Women, Transfers, Georgia) 2 Admissions Officers 5 Readers
Plus... Operations Staff Info Systems Coordinator Associate Director Electronic Application Processor 6 Data Entry Staff 2 Phone Receptionists 1 Desk Receptionist
PROSPECTS 88,639 Freshman Class 2002 Admissions Cycle APPLICANTS 8,869 ACCEPTED 5,204
Accepted Student Timeline 4Mar 1Financial aid application deadline 4Mar 15Decision letters mailed 4April 1Financial aid/scholarship notification 4May 1 Admission & housing deposit deadline
Accepted Student Strategies l Letters –Women –Minorities –High achievers –Legacies –Parents Home Reports (3) Alumni Association Parents Committee l GT Clubs –Scholarships –Receptions
Accepted Student Strategies l Connect with Tech invitations l High school visits l College day / night programs l Chat room l Telephone calls / s –Women –Minorities –High Achievers
l Special Recruiting Activities by Faculty –College of Sciences –Textiles –International Affairs –Nuclear Engineering –McMath’s Liberal Studies Letter –College of Engineering Accepted Student Strategies
PROSPECTS 88,639 Freshman Class 2002 Admissions Cycle APPLICANTS 8,869 ACCEPTED 5,204 ENROLLED 2,231
Enrolled Student Strategies l Focus groups l Telephone calls to “no shows” l Surveys l Learning Communities l Freshman Experience
Enrolled Student Strategies l New web site for accepted students who submit deposit –Password controlled –video clips of lectures –sample tests –sources of academic support –honor code –faculty tips
RECRUITING GOALS (from College and Institute Strategic Plans)
AT THE INSTITUTE LEVEL Top five public institutions for average SAT Increase % of women in student body to 35% Increase % of minority students to 40% Retain 92% of our freshmen
AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL Architecture –Implement college-wide minority student recruitment and retention program Computing –Increase % of freshman women to 20% and under-represented minorities to 12%
AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL (cont’d.) Engineering –Best average SAT of entering freshmen among public universities –Enhance enrollments of high SAT/high achiever applicants –Increase female student population to 30% –Have 500 GTREP students
AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL (cont’d.) Ivan Allen –Increase number of majors by improving recruitment of freshmen –Tie system for contacting and tracking potential students to admissions office procedures –Prepare undergraduate recruitment brochure –Increase racial and gender diversity (for parity with general population –Ensure HS student recruitment includes diversity focus
AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL (cont’d.) Management –Attract high-caliber undergraduate students –Develop material about programs and activities and distribute to targeted audiences –Develop and use consistent themes and messages for marketing purlications –Attract more female and minority students to academic programs
AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL (cont’d.) Sciences –Become more attractive to students through program enhancements and by provision of additional resources and opportunities –Provide information about the quality of its programs to appropriate external constituencies
AT THE ENROLLMENT SERVICES LEVEL Maintain the academic quality of the incoming freshman class Maintain the in-state/out-of-state percentages at 60/40 Increase the number of women Increase the number of under-represented minority students Provide smoother transition for transfer students