Mrs. Reites – IB Guidance Counselor
Challenging Course Work Time Management Skills Organization Study Habits Learn your way of work now!
You have already started preparing your college application packet! Everything you do in high school matters for college admission. Colleges will make a preliminary admission decision based upon 9 th, 10 th and 11 th grade only. You have to be more than “IB” to make an impact on colleges!
Colleges want to see you be involved! Take on leadership roles Join clubs, sports teams, organizations, anything that interests you! You must get involved early! The more time you have to show colleges of your involvement and dedication, the more competitive you will become!
Unweighted Grade Points: ◦ A = 4Let’s Practice! ◦ B = 3English 1 – B Spanish 2 – A ◦ C = 2American History – A Biology 1 – B ◦ D = 1 Algebra 2 – C Inquiry Skills – A ◦ F = 0 Drama – A Critical Thinking Skills – A Formula = = 28 28/8 (number of classes taken) = 3.5 G.P.A.
Weighted Grade Points: ◦ A = 5Let’s Practice! ◦ B = 4English 1 – B Spanish 2 – A ◦ C = 3American History – A Biology 1 – B ◦ D = 1 Algebra 2 – C Inquiry Skills – A ◦ F = 0 Drama – A Critical Thinking Skills – A Formula = =33 33/8 (number of classes taken) = G.P.A.
As a guidance counselor, I do not coach students on how to become valedictorian Concentrate on excelling in all of your classes and doing the best you can. If you happen to become valedictorian or salutatorian, it is an added bonus. Some students believe that taking more classes means you have a better chance of being valedictorian. This is not the answer.
10 th grade is your last year in “pre-diploma” classes. Math: Geometry/Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus Physics 1 Honors – You must take this class in order to qualify for Higher Level Science in Junior in Senior Year. Take an academically challenging elective! Start to think about what your HL and SL classes will be in Junior and Senior year.
Being a contributing member to your community is an important lesson to learn early on in your educational career. Colleges want to see that you are volunteering throughout high school! It is important that you find an organization that you want to contribute to and make a difference at!
Courses are available through You may take a course online in addition to your full class load here at PHUHS. I do not recommend taking more than you can handle! Don’t push yourself if you aren’t excelling in your classes here first. The more classes does not equal a better chance at college admission!
You will naturally be more competitive than your peers during the application process, as long as you are keeping your grades up! You are learning extremely important skills throughout this program that will more than prepare you for post- secondary education (College). Most universities will recognize and give college credit for the IB diploma. Remember, IB may not be a program for everyone, and that’s okay! If you don’t feel like this is a good fit for you, you may be more successful in a different program.