…making the transition to high school a success
PARENTS………. The FRESHMAN ACADEMY is designed to help make this transition into high school EASIER…thus help your child have a better chance of a SUCCESSFUL high school career.
How does the FRESHMAN ACADEMY concept make the transition to HIGH SCHOOL easier? HIGH SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL It takes some MIDDLE SCHOOL practices and adapts them to meet the needs of your maturing child as they enter high school. This allows us to follow the progress of your child during this FIRST CRUCIAL YEAR!
One important concept is that of the TEAM approach when it comes to your child’s education. Common planning period Weekly collaboration on your child’s progress (both academic and social) Interdisciplinary units Intervention opportunities Shared responsibility for student success ADVANTAGES
Alleviates feelings of anxiety as students enter a new school setting. Breaks a large school environment into smaller learning communities Makes students feel known and supported as they achieve their academic and career outcomes
What will a typical day be like at the high school? Along with 4 core classes and two electives, freshman will also participate in Eagle Ed.
Why include Eagle Ed as part of the Freshman Academy structure? Allows students to have another relationship with a significant adult in the building. It is a daily program, broken into two 30 minute segments. It allows students to see the connection between their academics and the community at large. One segment is for guided learning and study skills. The other segment is for relationship building, role playing and community exploration.
How do we know if it is working? The Academy concept began the fall of 2006….. Within the first six months, discipline referrals had been cut by 1/3 of the previous years’ total Failures dropped in every subject area
Who will my child interact with in terms of the Freshman Academy? 4 Core Subject Area Teachers Guidance Counselor Lead Teacher Principal Eagle Ed Teacher All stakeholders on this team work together to keep your child on track for a personalized education and a successful start in high school.
Alternative Ed. Summer School Credit Recovery 2 nd Chance Loss of social privileges Mandatory Guided Advisory Advisory Tutorials Academic Contracts Parent/Student Conference Classroom-teacher collaboration Benchmark Assessments Support Programs (AVID, SSG, Read 180…) Freshman Academy Structure Bridges – Assigned Adult Monitoring Pre-identification of Students for placement Unity of Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values ` SUPPORT PYRAMID
All core classes and advisory (Eagle Ed.) will be clustered in the 100 hallway Lockers will be assigned near advisory rooms Students will leave the area for elective classes
English 4 units Math 3 units Wellness 1 unit (or 2 years JROTC) Science 3 units 1 unit of World Geography or World History 1 unit of U.S. History 1/2 Unit Economics 1/2 Unit U.S. Government (or 3 years JROTC)
University Technical Dual Emphasis
What Does All of That Mean? DUAL Plan to attend 2- 4 year college, vocational school, military or obtain full time employment. This path is highly recommended to students University Plan to attend a 4 yr college after graduation Technical Plan to attend 2 yr or technical college, join military or obtain full time employment
Freshman Academy Registration Card
Emergency Information Card
After Freshman Academy: Small Learning Communities Exploration, Research, and Technology Leadership and Public Administration Business Management and Human Services Freshman Academy Arts, Humanities, and Communications
Questions or concerns can be directed by phone or to any of the following people: Patrick Digby- Academy Principal Paul Shelby- Academy Guidance Counselor Jennifer Kelley- Freshman Coordinator
Freshman Orientation Date- TBA in Leaf-Chronicle and will be on NEHS sign Students will receive schedule Clubs & Organization Info Date: To Be Announced…watch in the Leaf Chronicle and on the NEHS Marquee What: to hand out schedules, give information about clubs