Glacier Peak High School Library Media Center Mr. Mohn Library Media Specialist Mrs. Homme Assistant LMS
LMC Hours 6:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday 6:45 a.m. – 12:12 p.m. on Friday Except for holidays or half days Open at lunch Grizzly Period - need pass from LMC Staff
Electronic Resources Homework web sites GPHS Library Media Center Card Catalog Premium Databases Free Reference Resources Search Tools Subject Sites Sno-Isle Public Library eBooks
LMC Online Catalog Is now a meta-search engine One Search Web sites Newspapers Magazine articles Premium Databases Sno-Isle Public Libraries Digital Resources (Safari Montage)
LMC Expectations Enter quietly Have definite work to do Read silently, discuss quietly Respect others Return books on time Food, gum and candy prohibited Keep the LMC neat and clean
Consequences 1st offense - warning 2nd offense - removed from setting 3rd offense - call home, 1 week loss of privileges 4th offense - call home, conference, loss of LMC privileges, & on contract 5th offense - extended loss of privileges
Entering the LMC Quietly enter the LMC Classes sit at the tables Individuals/small groups sit in Center Section (also sign in) Quietly work on your project If you need assistance raise hand or walk over to the LMC staff to ask for help.
Leaving the LMC Put all LMC materials you don’t need on book cart Clean the area around your table Push in chair Walk over to LMC staff to have your pass signed You will need your Student Body card to check out LMC materials
LMC Checkout Checkout limited to 4 titles Books - 4 weeks Magazines - 1 week Reference materials - overnight
LMC Overdues Overdue notices sent to your 2nd period class once a week Cannot checkout books if you have overdue materials If you LOST the book please let us know so we can take you off the overdue list Month long overdues - detention in LMC
Internet Access What is acceptable use of the Internet at school? Educational Use Only
Internet Access What are unacceptable uses of the Internet at school? Illegal/Inappropriate activities Inappropriate language Respect Privacy Plagiarism/Copyright infringement
Internet Policy Updates Report any online harassment Letting others use your account is prohibited Creating harassing or violent web sites that disrupt school operations face school discipline and criminal penalities Using District technology is a privilege
Internet Access What are the consequences for not using the Internet appropriately at school? Category 1 - one week to a month loss of privileges Category 2 - one month to a semester loss of privileges Category 3 - banned for the rest of your high school career Plus administrative punishment