Summer School Information Meeting
Tonight’s Agenda Welcome /Overview of Credit Recovery and Summer School HighTechLA Summer Program Understanding Options / Programs Options for Youth – Independent Study Opportunities for Learning-Independent Study Community Adult School and II Lab University Online classes Community College classes Teacher directed classes – private schools General questions Applications / Counselor Approval Signature
Why Summer School? Meet graduation requirements to be eligible to graduate Boost GPA Retake the class while the information is still fresh on the mind
Why did I get a letter if my child has a D/F on the 10 week progress report?
HTLA Summer School HTLA will be offering a limited credit recovery program. Registration applications will be accepted on a first come-first served basis by grade level with priority given to incoming 12 th graders. Forms will be accepted immediately and will be accepted until May 17, Space is limited. Classes will be held June 10-June 28, :00 am to 11:00 am – Math classes 12:00pm to 3:00 pm – History/Humanities/English Classes
OFY and Opportunities for Learning (FREE) Options for Youth July 1st-Aug 9 th Applications accepted beginning April 1 st Must also bring transcript and signed application from parent and counselor/staff Locations: Burbank, Van Nuys, Northridge, Sylmar Cannot participate in other summer school program Opportunities for Learning July 1 st - Aug 4 th Must take two classes Need application signed by counselor/staff Locations: Arleta, Chatsworth, Encino, Northridge, Reseda, and Studio City
Other options Community College WVOC: Adult School Private Schools On-line Classes
A-G Requriement We cannot ensure that the courses you enroll in for summer school are A-G (UC) approved. The curriculum we provide at HTLA is UC approved and if a student fails a course and has to retake a course outside of HTLA, they will make up the graduation requirement, but may not be eligible for a four year college. You can check with each school to inquire about UC approval
Thank you for coming It is up to you and your student to determine the program option and location that is best for you. Forms and applications are available at the web sites listed on the information sheet and with Ms. Bender or in the main office.