Living and Learning in the Jesuit Tradition Residential Learning Communities Presenters: Helen E. Moritz, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education James W. Reites, S.J., Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Faculty Director Vicky S. Pasternak, Resident Director/Learning Community Facilitator
History and Background Helen E. Moritz Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
History and Context Early 90s: Theme Halls: Unity and Casa Italiana 1994: Freshman Residential Community –Option for 120 freshmen –Core courses in common –Integration of some course content –Faculty collaboration and involvement
SCU Strategic Initiative: Integrated Education Provost Model: VPAA and VPSA combined Corollaries: –Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education –Core Curriculum –University Honors Program –Integrated Advising Center –Student Records –Career Center –RLCs and Housing and Residence Life
Residential Learning Communities, continued 1994 Freshman Residential Community 1999 FRC becomes ALPHA Additional RLC options for freshmen 2000 All freshmen enter University through an RLC 2002 All RLCs become multi-year RLCs total, 2+ four-year RLCs ???11 four-year 300-student RLCs
RLCs and Integrated Education Breaking down silos Structural: Faculty Director and Resident Director lead Leadership Team Experiential: Faculty involvement in residence Faculty directors, affiliated faculty, Faculty in Residence Programmatic: Curriculum and Co-Curriculum Student Ownership and Leadership: Community Facilitators and Councils
Model “Residential”-- 90% of freshmen live on campus; commuters given access too. “Learning”—Core Courses in common, study groups in halls, co-curricular activity “Communities” – Students and Adults (potentially families) –Multi-year communities: upper-division and lower-division students –Community Facilitators from within the RLC –Academic, social, spiritual
Institutionalization Delivery of part of Core Curriculum General courses, courses connected to theme Integration into departmental course planning cycle Integration into Summer Orientation –RLC assignment learned on arrival –Discussion of common reading in RLC group –Course selection and advising in RLC group –Community Conversations in RLC group –Meet faculty director and 1/6 of RLC freshmen
Mission, Vision and Values James W. Reites, S.J. Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Faculty Director
RLCs And Jesuit Mission Start with a vision of undergraduate education. RLCs give life to the vision.
SCU Vision of UG Education “Education of the whole person within the Catholic and Jesuit Tradition.” Values.
The Aim of Santa Clara Education Educate Men and Women for others People of Competence Conscience Compassion Concerned not only with what is, but what should be Cura Personalis
Expressions of Values Community of Scholars Integrated Education Excellence Challenging Minds Inspiring Hearts Transforming the World
RLCs and Mission Communities Of Integrated Learning Of Vital Living Santa Clara’s Way Of Fulfilling Its Vision of Integrated Education
Practical Application on Campus Victoria S. Pasternak Resident Director/Learning Community Facilitator
Composition of Community Staff Leadership Team Structure –Collaborative leadership –Multiple adult role models and resources Community Facilitator vs. Resident Assistant –Change in job responsibilities –Variation of roles among RLCs
Student Experiences Common goals to further: –community building –student development identity development moral and ethical decision making vocational discernment critical thinking skills
Programming: A Full Community Effort Resident Programming –RLC councils –Community Facilitators Encouraged to program around RLC theme Faculty/staff programming Cross-RLC experiences –RLCrosscurrents –Spring Festival
Comprehensive Campus Shift Cultivating and nurturing powerful partnerships –Professors for affiliated classes –Student organizations –Campus Offices Faculty support
Positive changes in student behavior Student Behavioral Changes –Discipline –Damage Student Leadership Community ownership
Assessment 2003 RLC Benchmark Survey –Value of courses in common – 79% –Participation – 8 times per quarter –Overall satisfaction – 69% –Perception of “limitation” (led to RLCrosscurrents) 2004 RLC Survey –Participation – 11 times per quarter –Overall satisfaction - 75% –Benefit of a multi-year community - increase of 19%
Costs and Funding Incremental Costs: –Faculty Directors: one course release and stipend –Faculty in Residence: free (and tax-free) rent and utilities –Program Funds Funding: –Historically, from Housing & Residence Life –Future: University budget
Challenges “Old”: –Breaking down silos, learning new roles –Resistance to the unknown –Getting faculty buy-in Ongoing: –Sustainability of faculty involvement –Disparity of facilities –Better definition of student roles in 4-year communities
Santa Clara Residential Learning Communities ALPHA : Art History, Literature, Philosophy and History Communitas : Explores themes of individualism, community and citizenship da Vinci : Explores interest in the natural world and sciences along with Italian culture and heritage Delphi : Shared interests in arts and communication Education for a Sustainable Future : Looks at social and environmental responsible in both personal and professional lives. Loyola : Explores issues of Faith and Justice Modern Perspectives : Looks at economic, political, and social issues central to understanding our world at the start of the 21 st century. Unity : Seeks a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity as a catalyst for social and civic change. Xavier : Working in solidarity with community for social justice within a global perspective
Question and Answer Period