Soccer Staff VARSITY COACH: Andrew J. KartsounesHome(810) Cell(810) School (810) JV A COACH: Will WimbrowCell(810) ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Jason Reck Athletic Office(810) CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER: Jilli Kauppi JV B COACH: Helen GarrickCell(517)
Physicals Must have a current physical on file in the athletic office prior to first tryout or practice. Must be dated after April 15, All information must be filled out on the form
PAY TO PARTICIPATE HS Funded Sport: $175 per athlete, per sport Fees must be paid prior to first contest Refund Policy: Consideration for partial refunds will only be given to students who are physically unable to participate do to injury. HS Funded Sport: $175 per athlete, per sport Fees must be paid prior to first contest Refund Policy: Consideration for partial refunds will only be given to students who are physically unable to participate do to injury. Pay to Participate Fee can now be paid online. payforit.net
Scholarships Full Scholarship - Covers the full cost of the pay to participate fee. Must demonstrated financial need. Partial Scholarship - Covers a portion of the cost of the pay to participate fee. Must demonstrate financial need. Payment plans - Arrangement made with the athletic office in which the pay to participate fee is paid in installments.
Academic Eligibility To be eligible to participate in athletics in Hartland Consolidated Schools a student shall: 1. Have a previous semester grade point average of Have passed 6 of 7 previous semester hours. 3. Have demonstrated passing grades in six of seven classes on the six-week report card. Please refer to the Secondary Student Handbook for further information.
Academic Probation Each Student-Athlete will be afforded ONE semester of academic probation if they meet the following requirements: 1.Have earned a 1.5 to a 1.99 Grade Point Average. 2.Have passed 5 out of 6 classes. Please refer to the Secondary Student Handbook for further information.
Attendance Must attend all 7 hours to participate or practice If you are more than 10 minutes late for class, you will be marked absent. Medical, Dental, or school related absences can be approved by the Athletic Director with proper documentation. A school “excused absence” is not sufficient for participation.
Behavior Problematic behavior can have an impact on athletic participation. Alcohol and Drug Policy Tobacco Policy Hazing Social Networking PLEASE READ THE SECONDARY HANDBOOK!
Sportsmanship at Hartland High School R3- Reason, Respect, and Responsibility Code of Conduct Loud, Proud, and Positive Adults lead by example!
(1)Any improper behavior on the buses will result in the loss of playing time. Using the buses is a privilege, not a right, and should be treated accordingly. (2)All Varsity team members will ride the bus to and from all away games unless previous written arrangement has been made with your coach and the athletic department. (3)All JV team members will ride the bus to all away games unless previous written arrangement has been made with your coach and the athletic department. Players may either take the bus home or they will be released to their parents. BUS RULES
VARSITY LETTERS A Varsity Letter will be awarded to any player who successfully completes the season and has played in at least two varsity level regular season games.
EQUIPMENT To help prevent injuries and increase performance all players must wear a soccer shoe designed for outdoor use. All players are required to have shinguards with an NOCSAE stamp that are appropriate for your height. Both of these pieces of equipment as well as running shoes and drinking water must be brought to all practices and contests.
EQUIPMENT Beginning with the 2012 fall season, the front of the shinguard must be permanently marked with the NOCSAE seal and height standards for that guard as in the diagram. Shinguards with the NOCSAE seal on a tag only will not be permitted
UNIFORMS In order to promote team identity, unity, and attendance at our matches all players will be required to wear either their jerseys or shirt and tie on match days. Failure to comply will result in loss of playing time and/or starting privileges. It is expected that all uniforms and warm-ups issued will be returned promptly at the conclusion of the season in the same condition as they were issued. Any loss of or damage to uniforms will result in a fine commensurate with the replacement or repair cost.
UNIFORMS All players must purchase two pairs of socks for $20. Checks should be made out to Hartland Soccer and given to your team representative. If the purchase of socks or other equipment presents any problem, please see your coach or the athletic director.
PRACTICES See the website for the updated schedule!
Volunteers Needed! Each team needs an adult to run the clock and/or announce. The Athletic Office provides a script for the pre-game announcements. Couldn’t be easier! We will train you to run the clock from the best seat in the stadium!
MAPS Maps to all games can be found on the Boys Soccer website It is important to check these maps because some schools play at fields that are not located at their high schools. Boys Soccer Website