Springfield High School Freshman Academy A Professional Learning Community
Underlying Goals and Objectives SHS - United in our Diversity Place ninth graders in a smaller learning community in which mutual respect, honesty, cooperation, and responsibility are valued. Emphasize the skills and behaviors needed to promote a smooth transition into high school. Provide students with the necessary skills and resources to transition to the upper grades at or above grade level. Provide students with a challenging curriculum that will encourage them to reach their greatest potential. Provide skill deficient students with additional time and support to attain necessary skill levels. Provide caring teams of teachers to support student academics, needs, and activities.
Personnel Assistant principal/coordinator – Jimmy Finch Freshman Counselor – Tammi Lemley Academy teachers: Team A – Leader/Science – Mark Schlipp, Math – Vickie Randolph & Jack Fullerton, Social Studies – Tim Overstreet, English – Kerrin Burk, Technology – Emily Fyke Team B – Leader/Science – Jerri Baxter, Math – Cheryl Hudgins & Laura Law, Social Studies – Sandy Brown, English – Candise Rigsby, Technology – Angie Inman Reaction team – Leaders/Wellness & Athletics - Dawn Brading & Glen Campbell, Guidance -Tammi Lemley, Administration – Jimmy Finch, Special Education – Laurie Chism, ESL – Herman Diaz- Barriga.
Facilities – The current “A” hallway and part of the main hallway will compose the freshman academy. Students will leave the academy area for fine arts, CTE classes, ROTC, and athletics. Whenever possible, these classes will contain only first time freshmen. Nobody repeats the freshman academy. Mr. Finch’s office and Mrs. Lemley’s office will be in the academy.
SHS Mission Statement Our mission is to create a safe and challenging environment where students will learn, achieve and demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to master the standards set by Robertson County Schools and the Tennessee State Board of Education.
Freshman Curriculum Science »Physical Science Advanced, Physical Science, or Earth Science (placement determined by 8 th grade EXPLORE Test) English »English I Advanced or English I »Students with special needs in Reading will take a special class in reading as determined by IEP. ESL classes will be provided for ELL students as needed. Both the reading classes and ESL classes may be substituted for English. Math »All students except for those taking Advanced Algebra 1 take a full year of math. Students with special needs in math receive a math class which addresses their needs as determined by IEP. »Algebra IA/Algebra IB, »Students unsuccessful in Algebra IA will repeat it Semester 2 » Algebra I Advanced (placement determined by 8 th grade EXPLORE Test)
Curriculum continued Social Studies – All students take World Geography Technology – All students take either Computer Applications or Keyboarding P. E. – All students take Lifetime Wellness All students may take one or two electives outside the academy
Electives available to freshmen.. P.E. Electives require tryouts and coach’s permission – football, boys’ and girls’ basketball, ROTC 1 & 2 CTE electives – Media Concepts, Construction Core, Transportation Core, Health Science Education, Fundamentals of Agriculture, Family Consumer Science 1, Principles of Manufacturing Fine Arts electives – Instrumental Music, Freshman Choir, Theater Arts 1, Visual Arts 1
Why have a freshman academy? We Hope to provide opportunities for all students to learn. We want to ensure high levels of learning for all students.
Other pluses of the Freshman Academy Freshman only lunch Thirty minute extra time and support/enrichment period Freshmen only activities and events Additional funding for student activities A team of caring professionals
Why Did We Need to Change? Recently, a comprehensive study established that performing an angioplasty, a painful and potentially fatal operation, was no more effective in preventing heart attacks than medication and exercise. That finding will have an enormous impact on the medical field, and the number of angioplasties performed in this country will plummet. Professionals do not disregard evidence or assume that knowledge they have when they enter the field will be sufficient for their entire career. They are willing to adjust their practice on the basis of evidence.
How Can We Make Our Children Successful? Working together - Collaboration between parents and teachers and the administration is essential for success.
Expect Success ! We do! Congratulations Class of 2015