Freshman Physics Jennifer Adams (314) Jennifer Adams (314)
Me 8th year at CHS Physics BS from UMR and finishing MSEd at Webster this year 2 children in the district
Why Physics First? Concrete Experiences to Abstract Thought
This Physics Class Teaching Science Using Physics as a Context Presentation Skills Students Direct the Learning Modeling Curriculum
Modeling Physics Created by David Hestenes in the ’80s Recognized by US Dept of Education as: One of the top 7 best K-12 educational technology programs One of two Exemplary K-12 science programs The Modeling Cycle: Observe, question, predict, design and carry-out experiment, collect and analyze data, report data with multiple representations, and repeat.
First Unit Uniform Motion Bag of Cars Activity Blinky Car BB Lab
Multiple Representations:Graphs
Multiple Representations: Words (First) The BB on the high incline was faster than the one on the low incline. Both BBs rolled at a constant speed.
Multiple Representations: Words (refined) Both BBs rolled down a tube starting at position 0. On the low incline, it moved in the positive direction with a constant velocity of 6.3 cm/beat for 18 beats. The BB on the high incline rolled in the positive direction with a constant velocity of 11.4 cm/beat for 10 beats.
Multiple Representations: Diagrams 0 +
Multiple Representations: Mathematical Models
Future Units Uniform Acceleration Forces Electric Circuits Electrostatics Energy Mechanical Waves
To Ensure Success Engage and invest Turn in assignments on time (20% penalty) Make corrections in and out of class Get help immediately Find a common time to work with teacher(s), lab partner(s), friends: after lab, during lunch, before or after school Please me at: class