Kiran Dhand Mike Sterling Angel Nevin Center for Learning And Student Success CLASS
TIPS… Do not think of the course as a competition with the rest of the students in the class. Think of it as a competition between yourself and the course. Go to ALL lectures and make sure you have READ the material BEFORE GOING TO CLASS!
Find the time that your brain absorbs the most information in, and study during those periods, even if it's early in the morning or late at night. It sucks when you cannot concentrate! Sunrise or Sunset?
Find a study habit that works for you, NOT necessarily what's the easiest! Cramming for an exam will NOT help you!
Get a planner that you will actually use! Pick up an FAU planner for FREE at many on campus locations! Become friends with a few students in your classes and get their contact info in case you may ever need it.
Go see your professor/TA during office hours If you need help with a concept, do NOT hesitate to ask! It is better not knowing something now so that you can learn it rather than not knowing it when it is time for the exam!
If there is homework that is not required to do, DO IT ANYWAY! You need to understand how to do the exercises so that you understand the material thoroughly. ‘Optional’ Homework is a great way to test your understanding of concepts BEFORE the professor moves on and builds on difficult concepts!
It's better to have a solid beginning exam grade than it is to try to catch up to the grade that you want. It’s also better to be over prepared than underprepared for an exam.
There is a big difference between kind of knowing the information and really knowing the information. The difference is apparent on exam grades.
RESOURCES Supplemental Instruction Office Hours Check your syllabus Math Lab Writing Center Textbook Websites, supplemental CDs, etc. Internet/YouTube It’s not just for entertainment
YOUR GOAL STATEMENT What is your goal for the Fall semester? (Let’s make it SMART!) Write a SMART goal Make a copy for yourself Put the original in the provided envelope We will send you your goal mid-semester so you can ‘check-in’ with your goal statement YOU CAN DO IT!